By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Observer Goodbyes

Brandon: Just another design night, but also the last. I will miss the time spent with the friends I made and the laughs we had. All the designs and improvements that have been made to the newspaper as a whole. It started from an idea of getting involved and working on campus. I was surprised no one else had taken the job by the time I got there. I have since come to love this job with a passion to do as much as I can to help represent and design more than just the newspaper. From the new logo to press passes and everything in between it has been fun.

To my friends working so hard on the paper day in and day out. I will miss you all, it has been an honor to have worked with such talented editors, writers and designs. To my designers, I hope you both learn the ways of the newspaper and continue to put out your best work. Be yourselves, work to your strengths, use templates as a start and go from there. I believe in all of you, I wish you all the best for your future. Until next time…


Charis: I’m honestly not even sure where to begin, I feel ridiculously full of gratitude and nostalgia as I try to write this final message to all my bestie boos. While I can’t possibly fit the appreciation I feel into this tiny note, I hope you guys know how proud I feel to call you my friends. When I first arrived in little old Ellensburg, I really couldn’t have imagined the impact that The Observer would have on both my university experience and on my life. Getting to kick it with this crew has been nothing short of spectacular. This publication may have started out as a platform for my writing, but in no time it became so much more. It’s been my source of inspiration, a place where I’ve been able to come into my own, and most importantly, it’s been a family. And a tight knit one at that. The late nights that ended in the a.m., the constant laughter and getting to share my passion with this incredible group of people is something I wouldn’t trade for anything in this world.

I am SO grateful for each and every one of you guys — my fellow writers, designers and mentors — who have made this experience truly unforgettable. But a special shoutout has to go out to my Editor-in chief, Isaac, who has been part of my journey here since day one. It has been an honor to grow alongside you and watch you excel in all of your various roles leading up to this point; you’ve not only become an exceptional leader but you’ve also become my best friend… and fellow OG member of The Observer, hehe. I feel so blessed to know you, and I can’t wait to see what amazing things that life undoubtedly has in store for you.

I will cherish these times forever and will always be cheering on The Observer from wherever life takes me. It’s been an awesome ride and I feel deeply blessed to have been a part of it with you all. 

With all my love, Charis out. <3


Meg: lol hi friends 

Here I sit, one last time, at the back of The Observer newsroom. The day I have dreaded has inevitably arrived, the day I have to say goodbye. In the walls of Lind Hall, behind the door of The Observer office, I found so much more than I bargained for. I will forever long for the days that I spent here with my lovely, talented and dedicated peers. 


To my peers, some of my favorite people in the world, thank you. Thank you for the inspiration, knowledge, friendship and joy that you have lent me in our shared days. I have such profound respect and admiration for each of you. Wherever you are, no matter time or place, I will always be rooting for you. Our memories will live on forever inside my heart, and inside of The Observer. 


Closing the chapter

Megan Foster


Familiarness lies before me, 

In the pages I have wrote.

Eagerly turning to read again, 

Each page note by note.

I have filled all my pages,

I have spent all my time.

But I can’t seem to close

This chapter from my mind.

My heart weighs heavy,

And my mind grows clear.

I will always have a piece of you,

In a place I hold dear. 



My time at The Observer has been the best experience of my academic career, bar none. I’m ending this last design night and the last thing I’ll write for this beautiful paper with my heart full of warmth and love for everything it’s given me, everything the most talented people I’ve met have given me. I can’t say enough about the family and mentors I’ve found here and I’m wildly proud of everything we’ve done together. It’s only been a year for me! It’s not enough! I care about this publication so much and I can’t wait to see where those after me take it next, I know it’s in the best hands with all these heads I’m heartbroken to leave behind. There’s no better place or better people at this school, it’s truly, truly special. 

Forever thankful, Isaac

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