Cats Against Assault team responds to administration actions

Group holds second campus protest


Cats Against Assault led their second protest on Nov. 21. Photo by Yohanes Goodell.

Katherine Camarata, Lead Editor

The Observer spoke exclusively to representatives from the Cats Against Assault (CAA) team, who have asked to continue to stay anonymous for fear of retaliation from perpetrators and administration.

The CAA team claimed people on campus have accused them of lying since creating their Instagram account. Despite this backlash, the team said they have higher expectations beyond what they’ve already achieved.

“We’re happy that there’s a response and that’s definitely a result of the protests and all this student and community involvement,” a CAA team representative said. “However, it’s not a concrete response and there’s no real timeline to it.”

The CAA team said they hope victims of Title IX cases will have a say in future policy reformation. They said despite the support they’ve received, they worry people will become prematurely relaxed. They expressed concern that communications from President Wohlpart have “made it seem like he was doing more than he actually is.”

Cats Against Assault held a first campus protest on Nov. 3 and a second on Nov. 21 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. with groups of up to 25 making rounds from the SURC around Samuelson Hall and back past Black Hall according to the organizers, as chants of indignation toward CWU echoing through the air.

Various groups and clubs led loops of protests scheduled at specific times, including MEChA de CWU, Douglas Honors College, Cross Country, SWAP and Her Campus.

“There seem to be a lot of people excited for future protests after the last protest,” a CAA representative said. “It was really cool to see that many people engaged and that many people really caring. It was very much a strong community moment.”