Everyone should have a ‘Hot Girl Summer’


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Mariana Gonzalez, Columnist

Rapper Megan Thee Stallion gave the world a gift on August 9, 2019, the gift of her new song “Hot Girl Summer.” Since it was released towards the end of summer, the chance to have a Hot Girl Summer was reduced to a month. Summer 2020 was supposed to be the first full Hot Girl Summer, but COVID-19 postponed it. 

This year, summer is armed with a vaccine and lifting COVID-19 restrictions. Summer 2021 is gearing up to be the first full “Hot Girl Summer.” Fans of the original hot girl understand what it is. For those that don’t know or have never heard of it before, let me explain.

The official definition of “Hot Girl Summer” comes from the inventor of the phrase, Megan Thee Stallion, who defined it as, “ just basically about women — and men — just being unapologetically them, just having a [good] time, hyping up your friends, doing you, not giving a damn about what nobody got to say about it.”

While this may be the official definition of “Hot Girl Summer” it actually has a different definition depending on who you ask. Some people think it means getting in shape and looking good for the summer. Others may think it means dressing provocatively and hanging out with your friends. This may be confusing to newcomers, but this actually embraces the spirit of “Hot Girl Summer.”

Because the definition is so vague, it can literally mean anything. Want to put on a killer look of makeup or listen to your favorite music? That’s a “Hot Girl Summer.” Want to get your nails done with your friends or eat ice cream? That’s a “Hot Girl Summer.” Want to try a new hobby or improve your mental health? That’s a “Hot Girl Summer.”

Anything that you do during the summertime that makes you happy automatically makes you a participant of “Hot Girl Summer.” 

Participants should know that there is a stigma surrounding it. I found this out recently when I exclaimed that I was going to have a “Hot Girl Summer” and was called a nasty name. A lot of people think it means sleeping around. This assumption is usually wrong, but if someone wants to do that because it makes them happy, in the eyes of Megan Thee Stallion, that’s a “Hot Girl Summer.”

The term Hot Girl Summer originated with Black women and has feminist roots according to Rebecca Jennings, a senior reporter for Vox. It may not seem like a serious feminist movement but consider this, “There’s a third-wave feminist tilt, in the sense that women having sex and making money without shame — basically, activities men have been allowed to do forever — can be considered feminist acts.” Women being allowed to do whatever they want to do, that’s the perfect “Hot Girl Summer.”

So, if you want to feel good about yourself this summer and do what makes you happy, I hope you have a great “Hot Girl Summer.” 

For those who still don’t understand or may not be completely convinced. I’ll end with this quote: “Because this is the true essence of hot girl summer: It’s the mentality of going breezily about one’s own business regardless of what anyone else might think.”

Photo by David Michalczuk / CC BY 2.0