An insight to student life in an online learning environment

Nidia Torres, Reporter

CWU has adapted to the ever-changing circumstances the COVID-19 pandemic has left people with by restructuring classes to suit the needs of staff, students, and faculty. Although online and hybrid classes are set to protect everyone, this structured learning environment can cause students more stress than expected.

Paramedicine major Amelie Bridgham prefers to attend physical classes rather than online classes mostly because of her dyslexia.

According to Bridgham, her dyslexia is not severe, but it’s not a light diagnosis either. Bridgham has trouble with distinguishing words and paying attention to conversation.

Because of her dyslexia, Bridgham has to practice keeping her focus on what matters the most.

“If it’s in person, my focus is a lot more because it’s like someone is actually talking to you,” Bridgham said. “If I’m just sitting there listening to a lecture I get sidetracked.”

Bridgham’s dyslexia gives her a hard time when she’s dealing with schoolwork.

“A lot of it is just in the assignment work. Like some teachers are like, you’re going to get marked down if you have one grammatical error or spelling errors,” Bridgham said.

Bridgham previously contacted the Disability Center for any accommodations she could receive, but she doesn’t think they’ll be able to help. That is because the Disability Center does not provide accommodation for dyslexia.

Public Relations major Kim Nguyen is also experiencing the difficulties of online classes. 

“I feel like the workload increased because now that everything is online, a few professors are taking attendance by giving homework,” Nguyen said.

Nguyen believes that while online classes can be more flexible, the chances of procrastinating increase for her, which impact her learning. 

Nguyen also works at the Diversity and Equity Center.

To balance schoolwork and life, Nguyen tries to enjoy the little things in life.

“Most times I have for myself, like the way that I spend time for myself nowadays, is just cooking,” Nguyen said.