County implements new face mask directive

Mariah Valles, Central News Watch

Jessica Perez/Central News Watch

The Kittitas County Public Health Department is asking everybody who cannot maintain a six foot distance from others to wear face masks. This includes when indoors and when outdoors. 

Face masks may include cloth face masks, scarves, bandanas or other materials recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

“The directive is a stronger way of asking, but it is not a requirement and there is no enforcement in regard to whether someone wears a face covering or not,” a press release states. “We want people to understand the seriousness of our request in that science is showing face coverings to block infectious droplets from spreading from someone who may have COVID-19.”

The county cannot require individuals to wear masks, but it is requiring businesses to hang signs encouraging people to wear masks. 

You can find more information here