Showtime at Central let the audience decide
February 26, 2020
The Dr. Wayne S. Hertz Concert Hall was buzzing last Friday evening for Showtime at Central, the event where talent is judged by the audience and many poor souls get booed off stage.
There were at least thirty talent showcases throughout the evening. Performances consisted of singing, rapping, dancing, spoken word and comedy.

The event was hosted by Atlanta based comedian Nick Banks AKA Mr. Bankshot. He kept things moving with an endless flow of jokes and interactions with the audience.
Showtime at Central, modeled after Showtime at APOLLO,works by giving each talent showcase 45 seconds to either woo the crowd or get booed by the crowd.
If they make it past that mark, they are able to continue their performance. If not, they are escorted off stage as a room full of people voice their discontent.
The winners were decided by how loud the audience cheered.
The prize for first place was $250, taken home by Zhanea June who received a standing ovation for her singing performance.June sang while Jasmin Washington and Jeremiah Williams performed a contemporary dance alongside.
The performance, according to June, had not been rehearsed at all before the event.
“I still don’t even know what the dance looks like,” June said.
June said she hadn’t come out expecting to win anything but was pleasantly surprised by the reception the performance received.
This wasn’t Junes first performance at CWU. She also perfomed at the Rock Against Rape event last April. June said she isn’t sure when she will come back to sing again, but she enjoys doing so.
Deanna-Isabel M. Corsilles • Mar 2, 2020 at 2:45 pm
CWU BSU’s Showtime was a great opportunity for students to showcase their talents and a way for the audience to interact as well! However, I do not appreciate the fact that the photo that the Observer used as the front cover, did not recognize ANY of the students in the photo at all. The photo that I am talking about is the group of six (6) students in the band. They were not given any caption nor were they given any recognition for the use of their group photo.
So…let me be the one to vocalize it because any reporter, editor, and/or photographer of this article clearly does not have the capacity to. The group of students photographed is Himig Ng Fasa (translating to Melodies of Fasa) from CWU’s very own Filipino-American Student Association (FASA). I am creating this comment today because I am only now being informed that the picture was used. My name is Deanna-Isabel Corsilles and I am one of the singers/students that were photographed on the front page of the newspaper. The following people that I will list that also did not get any recognition are my fellow band members and close friends. From right to left: Chloe Manigo (they/them), John Cando (he/him), Deanna-Isabel Corsilles (she/her), Gizan Gandon (he/him), James Cando (he/him), and Clara Cranney (they/them).
The Observer claims to be “By the students, for the students of Central Washington University”. However, they fail to actually recognize the students that they post in this article. Did they try to reach out to these students? Clearly not. Did reach out to the hosts (BSU) of Showtime and ask who theses students were? Clearly not. There is no proper acknowledgment of who these individuals are nor did they even do enough work to figure out who we are. WE are HIMIG NG FASA. #dobetter