Week Eight-Fall 2016

McKenzie Lakey, Editor-in-Chief

The amount of beauty that I have seen in this week has been difficult for me to wrap my mind around entirely.

You would think that beauty would be an easy thing o conceive. However, in a day and age where the atrocities of the hour plaster our screens, sometimes t we forget to take a step back and enjoy life.

On Monday, Nov. 14, the Not in Our KittCo peace march rallied through the Ellensburg community and carried from campus into the historic downtown area. Social media had its share of comments that chose to shift the focus of the march from its true purpose (an act of unity and solidarity against hatred), and tried to make it appear as though it was a powered by a political agenda.

The negative discussion was there, but that what it failed to undermine was the fact that over 500 people marched together with one cause in mind.

Students and community members of all ages stood side-by-side in a well-organized and entirely stunning moment of unity. Negative commentary from behind a keyboard cannot take away that moment from everyone involved.

But the beauty that I have witnessed on this campus doesn’t end there. Around this time last year I attended my first Broadway Red Curtain Revue that is put on annually by the Theatre Arts Department.

I have always loved theatre, but this play was different. I knew a handful of cast members and had a personal interest in it from the beginning, so I was naturally biased going into it. But once the lights dropped and the curtain raised, I fell into the show.

Nearly three hours passed and I was absolutely blown away. In fact, I had to buy tickets for the Sunday matinee just to allow myself the chance to experience it once again.  

I’m proud to say that I have had the privilege of getting to know two of those very talented individuals very well over the course of the past year. These two—Jakob Wachter and Aubrey Schultz—are quite the duo to work with. Half the time I can’t tell whether I’m actually at work or if I’ve been launched into a Disney musical.

Over time I’ve learned to step out of my comfortable world of writing and step into other people’s worlds. By doing this I have met incredible people. I’ve heard their stories, I’ve experienced gripping personal journeys along with them, and most importantly, I’ve learned to love and respect individuals for who they are.

Too often we don’t realize the talent that is surrounding us on this campus. A classically trained cello player may be the person sitting in the back of your English 101 class. Your co-workers may be two of the best damn stage performers you have ever met. The possibilities and the talent are endless.

Take a moment to appreciate everyone around you and the many skills that make them not only a force on stage or behind an instrument, but also in their daily life.

Look around and take it all in. You’re surrounded by beauty. Immerse yourself in it and let it carry you through your life.