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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Official university tweet about the importance of keeping normality.

Classes continued in attempt to restore sense of normality

Jack Belcher, Alexa Murdock, and Mariah Valles
February 8, 2019

CWU Ellensburg classes were held as usual on Thursday, Feb. 7 in what the university said was an attempt to help students cope with the stress caused by the active shooter false alarm that locked down...

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Central gears up for summer camps

Central gears up for summer camps

Mikaila Wilkerson, Staff Reporter
July 21, 2016

During the summer, Central is home to many different camps including sports camps, math camps, science camps and more, all to show people coming in what Central has to offer them. Gaining Early Awareness...

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The EverGreen Scene: Eburg gets ready for marijuana retailers

April 29, 2014

BY Sully Carter Contributing Writer   Marijuana has been legal in Washington for 17 months, but the time that everyone has been waiting for is right around the corner: marijuana retail. The...

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Opinion: Call it Significant Other Saturday: #SOS

April 29, 2014

    BY Adam Wilson Scene Editor I think I’m doing Instagram wrong. My #WCW (WomanCrush Wednesday)  history to date includes Natalie Dormer, Emelia Clark and Tricia Helfer. The...

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Voting knocks down thoughts of splitting college of education and professional into two colleges

April 24, 2014

BY Houston Carr Staff Reporter   At the last faculty senate meeting, the senators voted against creating two colleges for education and professional studies. Although there were some positives,...

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Will better event planning keep students at Central during weekends?

April 16, 2014

BY Evan Pappas Contributing Writer   Central has been called a suitcase college, with students often retreating to the West Side over the weekends, but data collected by the school shows...

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