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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

All content by Scott Wilson
Old Skool's in Downtown Ellensburg is home to records, clothes, CD's and other collectables. Records range from Neil Diamond to the lesser known Commander Cody.

Old Skool’s offers more than just music

Scott Wilson, Staff Reporter
March 8, 2019

Local record store Old Skool’s gives its customers a selection of music along with entertainment. Located in Downtown Ellensburg on Main Street, the store has plenty of music that can spark nostalgia...

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The Jazz Band II class has been hard at work preparing many pieces for the upcoming jazz festival. They will be performing on March ninth.

Jazz program to perform series of concerts

Scott Wilson, Staff Reporter
February 28, 2019

The CWU jazz program will be putting on two separate performances in the afternoon and evening on Saturday, March 9. This is an event put on at the end of every quarter in the Jerilyn S. McIntyre Music...

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Students who participate in the Amazing Race will complete challenges on and off campus as fast as they can.
Contestants will travel on foot, as no wheeled vehicles will be allowed in the race.

Students will compete in CWU’s Amazing Race

Scott Wilson, Staff Reporter
February 21, 2019

If you haven’t heard of CBS’s show “The Amazing Race,” you can experience CWU’s own version of it up close and personal. On May 10, teams of two will compete against each other to be CWU’s...

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The Red Pickle food truck and restaurant serves up delicious sandwiches and drinks, they will be participating in Ellensburg's Restaurant Week. Pictured here is their buttermilk fried chicken sandwich.

Local restaurants will serve week long specials

Scott Wilson, Staff Reporter
February 14, 2019

From Feb. 18 to Feb. 23, several restaurants downtown will participate in Ellensburg’s annual Restaurant Week. Many different restaurants come up with their own three course meals. This is a great way...

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Band members had a rehearsal last week at Ellensburg High School. The band plays a wide variety of songs and is a very upbeat group.

Swing the night away with the Ellensburg Big Band

Scott Wilson, Staff Reporter
February 6, 2019

This year on Valentine’s Day, campus activities and The Ellensburg Big Band are putting on a dance night open to anyone. The Ellensburg Big Band will be taking attendees back to the 1940s by playing...

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 Costumes are hung throughout the theater building, McConnell Hall, waiting for the Shortworks programs to begin. There are a wide variety of costumes which will be shown off in the coming festival.

Shortworks Festival features plays directed by students

Scott Wilson, Staff Reporter
January 30, 2019

Correction 2/5/19: There were multiple inaccuracies in the story concerning the annual Shortworks Festival in the Jan. 30 issue. The festival began in 2017 and not, as reported, last year. Alisa Muench...

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Gavin Maher performs in front of a crowd of students on Jan. 15. He was the first artist in the Underground
Concert Series.

Underground Concert Series showcases student talent

Scott Wilson, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2019

CWU’s campus activity crew kicked off a brand new underground concert series this winter that features student performers who want to show off their musical talent. Special Events Coordinator Libby...

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Fines, too many rules and too many fouls are making the NBA soft

Fines, too many rules and too many fouls are making the NBA soft

Scott Wilson, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2019

If you watch basketball, specifically the NBA, you know how exciting it can be to witness history every night. Teams like the Warriors are breaking 3-point records seamlessly, and the king himself, LeBron...

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MLK’s legacy reigns on within Ellensburg community

MLK’s legacy reigns on within Ellensburg community

Scott Wilson, Staff Reporter
January 16, 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s actions have impacted all of us since his passing in 1968. The  Ellensburg community will not let his work be forgotten, and groups at CWU are doing what it takes to pass...

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