By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Jordyn Rossmeisl

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter - Winter 2023

All content by Jordyn Rossmeisl
Students gather for the Womens Herstory Month kick-off in the DEC.

Women’s Herstory Month: vision boards set the tone for women’s futures

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
March 8, 2023

The soundtrack from “Bridgerton” softly played in the background of the Diversity and Equity Center (DEC) as feminine-identifying folk snacked on cupcakes and chatted amongst themselves.  The “Envisioning...

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Nan Doolittle wrote her sonnet about Ethel Craven-Sweets mother.

Women’s History Month Poetry Extravaganza features WA state poet laureate

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
March 8, 2023

The chilly evening air spilled into the packed gallery, mixing with the palpable excitement of people chatting over the lively piano while weaving through the crowd to grab a glass of wine or admire some...

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Photo courtesy of Pexels

Makeup: Not just for women

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Columnist
March 8, 2023

The gender binary is losing its grasp on makeup, and I’m here for it. Society has started to shift its attitude towards makeup, no longer seeing it as purely effeminate. Many men are getting the memo,...

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Maya Jewell Zeller. Photo by Dean Davis, for Pictures of Poets.

The language of nature: Maya Jewell Zeller’s roots extend through her words

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
March 1, 2023

While some may imagine writers as a stereotypical, antisocial person who holes themself up in their home to work on their manuscripts, this hasn’t always been the case for published author and professor...

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Speaker Andy (Anderson) Parks. Photo courtesy of CWU

Navigating race with emotional intelligence: seminar sheds light for Black History Month

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
February 8, 2023

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is defined by Milton Kuolt professor of business Anderson Parks as being aware of “who you are at your core, how your emotions are, what you’re feeling, and how those emotions...

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The Lensa app generates AI art, but at what cost_ Photo courtesy of Lensa app

AI art needs to go

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
February 1, 2023

By now, most of you have probably heard of AI art. Some of you have used AI art generators; heck, even I am guilty of trying it out. However, as this new and improving technology becomes more popular,...

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Literature intersects with human rights.

CAH hosts presentation on intersection of literature and human rights

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
January 26, 2023

Dr. Richard Middleton-Kaplan gave a Zoom presentation on Jan. 17 titled “Humanity in Print: Literature and Human Rights,” during which he shared stories of human rights activists he encountered throughout...

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The new skaters practice.

The “organized chaos” of a community on wheels

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
January 18, 2023

The new skaters practice.