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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Boots 'n' Cats rocks ICCA Quarterfinals with top honors

Boots ‘n’ Cats rocks ICCA Quarterfinals with top honors

Adam Wilson, Editor-In-Chief
January 28, 2015

It wasn’t Boots ‘n’ Cats' first dance at the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCA), but a new lineup and outlook on their performance secured near-complete domination at the...

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Students and faculty weigh in on partnership with SFI

Brittany Allen, Staff Reporter
January 26, 2015

Opinions vary about the Central theatre department’s new partnership with the Seattle Film Institute (SFI). According to Scott Robinson, chair of the theatre department at Central, SFI approached...

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Central ITAM lecturer talks about his life transformation

Central ITAM lecturer talks about his life transformation

Jonathan Glover, Assistant Scene Editor
January 25, 2015

David Douglas, information technology and administrative management (ITAM) lecturer, drinks tea instead of coffee and keeps a sun lamp handy to stay positive in the drear of winter. He said he chose tea...

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Movie Review: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Movie Review: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Shanai Bemis, Staff Reporter
January 24, 2015

In the third and final installment of The Hobbit film adaptations, “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies” directed by Peter Jackson, the company of Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) battle...

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Aloha, from the islands to CWU

Alexa Olague, Staff Reporter
January 24, 2015

Each time sophomore rugby player Vili Toluta’u scores, he flaunts the Maui area code 808 on the outside of his wrist and he throws up the shaka sign. The gesture, from Hawaiian culture, suggests the...

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Student’s band wins Battle of the Bands concert in Portland

Student’s band wins Battle of the Bands concert in Portland

Nicholas Oliver, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2015

Jacob Mendez, sophomore physics major, is the bass player of the band Pull for Fire, which recently won a Battle of the Bands in Portland. Mendez comes from a very musical family; his three brothers...

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Brewfest attracts 2,000 visitors to Ellensburg

Brewfest attracts 2,000 visitors to Ellensburg

Morgan Green, Staff Reporter
January 22, 2015

The 11th annual Ellensburg Winterhop Brewfest arrived to Ellensburg’s downtown Saturday, Jan. 17. The event, which brings in over 2,000 visitors, is the biggest event the Kittitas County Chamber of...

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Review: Interstellar

Mariah Rocker, Copy Editor
November 20, 2014

The planet is turning into an inhospitable environment and humanity is facing extinction in Christopher Nolan’s newest film, “Interstellar.” In the near future, a blight similar to the Dust Bowl...

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Gallery One hosts Mimosa Saturday

Camille Borodey, Scene Editor
November 20, 2014

Last Saturday, ten women gathered upstairs at Gallery One for Mimosa Saturday, where they painted Christmas themed canvases while sipping on orange juice and champagne. The class was taught by Mary...

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The small town Black Friday

Cassidy Warness, Staff Reporter
November 20, 2014

With downtown Ellensburg full of independent businesses, the Ellensburg Downtown Association is hosting the national event Plaid Friday. Plaid Friday is an alternative experience to Black Friday, aimed...

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Review: Five Nights at Freddy’s 2

Kala Tye, Staff Reporter
November 20, 2014

I flip between stationary security cameras in a place that looks like a nightmarish Chuck-E-Cheese. I linger on the screen where a trio of animatronics usually sit. It hits me. The bunny is missing....

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Three Central pieces accepted in International Textile and Apparel Association’s design competition

Nicole Huson, Staff Reporter
November 20, 2014

Three fashion designs from Central were accepted into the International Textile and Apparel Association’s design competition this year. ​Central apparel, textile and merchandising senior Ryanne...

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