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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Rust on the Rails comes to Central

Rust on the Rails comes to Central

Kaitlyn Langdale, Staff Reporter
January 28, 2016

On Thursday, Jan 28., the American-Aussie band, Rust on the Rails will be performing for Central students in the SURC. The band is made up by Cody Beebe, a Washington native that some might recognize...

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Book club at Brooks Library

Book club at Brooks Library

Ana Laura Lopes Conti Ferreira, Staff Reporter
January 28, 2016

The Brooks Library is hosting its second quarterly book club. Every quarter the club reads a new book and then holds a discussion. The books that are chosen are not the type of books that are required...

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Throwback to the '90s with Aladdin

Throwback to the ’90s with Aladdin

Mikaila Wilkerson, Assistant Scene Editor
January 28, 2016

Disney lovers rejoice; Aladdin has been selected for Monday Movie Madness on Feb. 1. Campus Activities, which tries to put on at least one or two family-styled movies a quarter, chose the film because...

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Turning it "Inside Out"

Turning it “Inside Out”

Holly Chester, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2016

Of all the students at Central, about 22 percent are considered to be non-traditional according to the Center for Diversity and Social Justice (CDSJ). Non-traditional students are 25 or older, married...

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Around the world, in one hour

Britany Decker, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2016

The chance to learn about international traditions will soon be offered to all students during the upcoming international cafe. This event, put on by the Center for Leadership and Community Engagement...

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Manastash brings current issues to life

Kaitlyn Langdale, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2016

The Manastash Literary Arts Magazine is not just a poster you happen to notice on the bulletin board posted in the hallway. It’s a literary journal created to give students a voice on campus in the hopes...

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Visitors from Richland, Washington, Ronnie (left) and Jodi (right) Dawson enjoy a sampler at Iron Horse brewery.

Food and Brews on tap at Iron Horse

Cody Nilsen, Social Media Coordinator
January 23, 2016

After 11 years of serving customers their signature brews, the Iron Horse Brewery Pub is looking to start giving their customers a food menu alongside their beer list. With no confirmed date, the pub...

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Majors fair returns to help students find their path

Majors fair returns to help students find their path

Nathan Brewster, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2016

Picking a major is a scary proposition for any college student. However, Central will be trying to help students with this problem as they host their annual Majors Fair on Jan. 26. There will be over...

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MLK day festivities coming to the SURC

MLK day festivities coming to the SURC

Julia Moreno, News Editor
January 14, 2016

Central Washington University students will join local elementary schools next week to celebrate and remember Martin Luther King Jr. Around 400 students from the second grade to the fifth grade from...

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars returns at full force

Grace Lindsley, Copy Desk Chief
January 14, 2016

Star Wars is a force to be reckoned with and as ticket sales from the franchise's latest installment keep pouring in, the world has been reminded of that fact. On its opening day, “Star Wars: The...

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St. Brigid's Brewery from Moses Lake attended Brewfest last year and will be back again this year.

Forget the hot chocolate, here comes the beer!

Victoria Shamrell, Scene Editor
January 14, 2016

Craft beer has become more popular as a tourist attraction in recent years. In Ellensburg, breweries and different craft beers are quite common. The biggest brewing attraction that Ellensburg hosts...

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Ringing in the New Year with resolutions

Ringing in the New Year with resolutions

Cody Nilsen, Social Media Coordinator
January 14, 2016

The phrase “new year, new you” is usually heard when people talk about New Year’s resolutions. Several students at Central have made resolutions for 2016 and hope to stick to them.,...

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