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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

The colors on the pride flag are meant to reflect the diversity of the LGBTQ community. The use of
the flag originated in San Francisco in 1978, but is now used worldwide.

Pride Week to represent all students

Mary Park, Staff Reporter
May 22, 2019

In 1996, CWU held its first Pride Week. Fast forward 20 years to 2016, when CWU President James L. Gaudino helped raise a rainbow flag for the first time on Barge Hall, the oldest and one of the tallest...

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Vang Garden sold large and
medium sized floral arrangements
at the farmers market. Many people
bought flower bouquets for their moth-
ers and grandmothers for Mother’s Day
on May 12th.

Ellensburg Farmers Market brings community together

Mary Park, Staff Reporter
May 16, 2019

Buy fresh produce, sample a wine or cider, indulge in a macaron or two, watch musicians perform and you would still only be halfway through the list of things you can do at the farmers market. On Saturday,...

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The 1891 Bistro stays open 24 hours a day to CWU students. The environment lets students relax while study-
ing or socializing.

1891 Bistro lets students study, relax any time

Cassandra Hays, Scene Editor
May 16, 2019

“Large mint chocolate smoothie for Allie,” a barista calls out to the room. The ponytailed girl walks up to the counter to retrieve her smoothie. She stops and looks around; where should she sit?...

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This spring Girls Night Out had a Luau theme. Participating businesses offered leis and Hawaiian-themed
beverages. The event is put on twice a year to showcase women in the community as well as local businesses.

Girls Night Out highlights women in community

Emma Johnson, Staff Reporter
May 16, 2019

Ladies dressed in floral print and leis walked the streets of Ellensburg as they were getting pampered by the local businesses. The Ellensburg Downtown Association hosted Girls Night Out on Thursday, May...

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The Barrio Fiesta on May 10 was one of many events that families had the opportunity to attend during Family Weekend. The fiesta showcased Filipino music, culture and food. About 150 families attended Family Weekend
to get the chance to experience what Ellensburg and CWU has to offer.

Families experience college life

Mariah Valles, Editor-in-Chief
May 16, 2019

Every spring families are invited to visit campus for a weekend and participate in the college experience. This year Family Weekend was hosted May 10-12 and over 700 people were registered to attend. For...

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Music has created a powerful bond among the members of Mariachi del Centro. They encourage students who
are curious about mariachi and Mexican culture to reach out and learn more.

Mariachi del Centro creates sense of belonging

Sean Quinn, Staff Reporter
May 16, 2019

Amongst the numerous clubs and organizations at CWU is a club filled with talented musicians, yet they aren’t all music majors. With their red and black charro suits and their unique instruments like...

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Culture on stage at PolyFest

Culture on stage at PolyFest

Austin Lane, Staff Reporter
May 10, 2019

There's a variety of clubs that focus on culture at CWU. One of those clubs is PolyCentral. Every year, PolyCentral hosts PolyFest, a celebration of Polynesian culture with food, dance and other activities....

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The CWU Theatre Ensemble performs a scene in its production of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” during practice on April 30. The theatre production will
run May 10-12 and May 16-19 in the McConnell Auditorium. Special events such as dinners beforehand will be held on specific days.

Central Theatre Ensemble Performs ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’

Mary Park, Staff Reporter
May 8, 2019

The majestic gothic arches and buttresses, mesmerizing rose windows, bells ringing and stone gargoyles peering over Paris highlight the beauty of Notre Dame Cathedral. Starting on May 10, the Central...

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The SQ food review

The SQ food review

Sean Quinn, Staff Reporter
May 8, 2019

I consider myself a “foodie,” which is a way to describe someone with a larger-than-life passion for food and restaurant culture, without the credentials of a chef. As a foodie, I’ve made it a goal...

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Mentor program impacts local youth

Mentor program impacts local youth

Emma Johnson, Staff Reporter
May 8, 2019

The Youth Services of Kittitas County strives to help the the youth of the Ellensburg community through their youth mentor program, according to Claire Church, executive director of the youth services....

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Members of the CWU Nutrition Science Club plant seedlings for the club’s upcoming plant sale on May 11 and 12. The Nutrition Science Club participates in educa-
tional and outreach events pertaining to nutrition on campus and in the community.

Nutrition Science Club advocates for healthy eating

Emma Johnson, Staff Reporter
May 2, 2019

The CWU Nutrition Science Club is advocating and educating for on-campus nutrition. In addition to putting on events to educate students about basic nutrition, the club has recently attended a conference...

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American Sign Language (ASL) is one of seven world language programs offered at CWU. Lecturer Jer Loudenback (lower right) is Deaf, so students may only communicate with him using their knowledge of ASL.

A Class that Speaks Volumes Without Voices

Sean Quinn, Staff Reporter
May 2, 2019

On the third floor of the Language and Literature Building at CWU, you walk into a classroom where students are communicating with a professor. Yet, you can hear a pin drop. But in the American Sign Language...

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