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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Teagan Kimbro

Following in the footsteps of strong women

Harleen Kaur, Staff Reporter
March 11, 2020

A woman can be a mother, a wife, a student and a boss. She can be anything she wants to be. March 8 was International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate women and their stories. At CWU there are women in...

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Téa Green

New park coming to downtown

Cassandra Hays, Editor-in-Chief
March 4, 2020

After the City of Ellensburg acquired land in the center of downtown, plans have been in place for the construction of a new downtown park. The new park will be located on 4th Avenue and Pearl Street,...

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Riel Hanson

Disappearing into a world of virtual reality

Harleen Kaur, Staff Reporter
March 4, 2020

One student was on a mission to save the galaxy from being destroyed. Another student was fighting off evil advanced robots and machines who were after their life. Virtual reality is a whole new world,...

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Paneal Holland

Parkour athlete jumps his way around town

Tamara Sevao, Staff Reporter
March 4, 2020

Flipping off ledges and jumping from statue to statue may seem dangerous to some people. However, one person in particular uses parkour as a coping mechanism. Niko Selski, a CWU Sophomore and an Ellensburg...

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Nash Fung returns to campus tonight

Nick Jahnke, Online Editor
February 26, 2020

Nash Fung, a CWU graduate, will be returning to campus tonight as a magician. The show starts at 7 p.m. in the SURC Ballroom. The event is free with student ID and $5 general admission. According to...

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Riel Hanson

Electropolis Live: From your radio to the SURC

Tamara Sevao, Staff Reporter
February 26, 2020

About 100 people crowded into the SURC ballroom. Some students are headbanging while others are dancing. The lights are choreographed to flash to the music and CO2 cannons are being fired.   Every...

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Cassandra Hays

Showtime at Central let the audience decide

Nick Jahnke, Online Editor
February 26, 2020

The Dr. Wayne S. Hertz Concert Hall was buzzing last Friday evening for Showtime at Central, the event where talent is judged by the audience and many poor souls get booed off stage. There were at least...

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Teagan Kimbro

Racism still impacts students in 2020

Harleen Kaur, Staff Reporter
February 26, 2020

It’s a cold fall night in Washington state and the high school stadium is packed with a large crowd. The night lights turn on and the cheerleaders grab their pom poms to cheer for their star football...

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Safe sex is always in fashion

Safe sex is always in fashion

Tamara Sevao, Staff Reporter
February 19, 2020

Imagine sitting in the SURC ballroom while watching models strut down the runway. As models start walking closer, the view of condoms on clothing became more clear.  Well, CWU students utilized a fashion...

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Teagan Kimbro

‘Birds of Prey’: A unique story made by unique voices

Jackson McMurray, Staff Contributor
February 12, 2020

Used to be that asking someone if they were “Marvel or DC” was a pretty benign question. In a culture where comic book superheroes were only just a part of the mainstream, it mostly meant “do you...

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Teagan Kimbro

The rise of Disney Plus

Amy Morris & Nikolai Kostka, Scene Editor & Staff Reporter
February 12, 2020

Disney Plus has amassed a total of 28.6 million subscribers in the months since it was released on Nov. 12, 2019.  This growth has been achieved partly because of a bundle with the streaming service...

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Paneal Holland

Going green one salon at a time

Tamara Sevao, Staff Reporter
February 12, 2020

If a customer goes up the stairs into Mangos Salon to get a haircut, they may wonder where the hair goes. If it were a year ago then the hair would have just been thrown into the garbage without a thought....

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