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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

David Bayles shows his Sap in their Veins exhibit at the MCE. Photo by MJ Rivera

Sap in their Veins: stories of logging told by David Bayles

MJ Rivera, Staff Reporter
February 1, 2023

Oral History with David Bayles The Museum of Culture and Environment (MCE) invited photographer David Bayles to showcase his exhibit titled “Sap in their Veins” from Jan. 26 through March 11....

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Human Library event set to take place April 22. Photo courtesy of Pexels

Upcoming Human Library event aims to defy stereotypes through conversation

Katherine Camarata, Staff Reporter
February 1, 2023

Some libraries provide a cozy place to bury your nose in a book, while others offer more unusual forms of media to check out: humans.  The Human Library is an international nonprofit organization created...

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Gary Robertson on duty in Lind Hall. Photo by Katherine Camarata

Meet your Maintenance Worker: Gary Robertson

Katherine Camarata, Lead Editor
February 1, 2023

Name: Gary Robertson Title: Custodian 1 Hometown: Anaheim, California Years working at CWU: 3 Favorite part of campus: the SURC, because it has everything Least favorite part of campus:...

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Literature intersects with human rights.

CAH hosts presentation on intersection of literature and human rights

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
January 26, 2023

Dr. Richard Middleton-Kaplan gave a Zoom presentation on Jan. 17 titled “Humanity in Print: Literature and Human Rights,” during which he shared stories of human rights activists he encountered throughout...

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Exterior of Nuwave and Fortuity Cellars Tasting Room.

New waves spreading downtown: Nuwave Gallery and Fortuity Cellars open doors on 3rd

MJ Rivera, Staff Reporter
January 26, 2023

Nuwave Students and community members looking for a place to sip wine, admire art and get their creative sparks flying need look no further than Nuwave Gallery and Fortuity Cellars on the corner of...

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The Rodeo City Roller Derby Team. Photo courtesy of Rodeo City Roller Derby

The “organized chaos” of a community on wheels

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
January 18, 2023

As the sun sets in Ellensburg and people begin to wind down for the night, the Ellensburg High School (EHS) gym comes to life. Readers may be wondering, ‘what could be going on in a high school gym after...

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Customers enjoying the southern vibe Julep provides.

“Veganuary” in the ‘Burg: how to participate

MJ Rivera, Staff Reporter
January 18, 2023

“Veganuary” is a movement that was created to inspire people to try a vegan diet during the month of January according to the official website  Veganism is a lifestyle that omits...

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CWU chamber choir performs at This Shining Dawn concert directed by Dr. Lamartine.

This Shining Dawn: CWU Christmas candlelight concert illuminates darkness

Katherine Camarata, Lead Editor
December 8, 2022

A hush drew over the full-to-capacity pews of the Methodist church as lights overhead darkened to a mere whisper, the CWU chamber choir filing into the sanctuary each holding a single lit candle, circling...

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Photo courtesy of CWU Flickr

New Gender-Based Violence Prevention workgroup to review policies, practices and programs

Megan Rogers, Senior Reporter
November 22, 2022

CWU announced on Nov. 10 its plans for a new gender-based violence prevention workgroup. The workgroup will be meeting on a regular basis shortly after Nov. 30. The workgroup will be made up of a total...

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President Marcus Wolfe takes part in a scene as a rest stop restaurant owner, arguing with a customer during Hot New Jam's free play session on Nov 18

Hotter, newer and jammier: Hot New Jam’s found families

Andrew Ulstad, Staff Reporter
November 22, 2022

The sounds of laughter punctuated by one word suggestions rang through Hebeler Hall on Friday, Nov. 18 as improv troupe Hot New Jam hosted their weekly meeting and team play session. With seven new members...

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Malik Cantú, Yuka Kawai, Josephine Cessna during rehearsal. Photo by Sequoia Good

“Everybody” explores life, death and everything in between

Katherine Camarata, Lead Editor
November 22, 2022

All four quadrants of theatre seats held anticipatory audience members facing each other within the intimate setting of the Milo Smith Tower Theatre on the opening night of the production “Everybody”...

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As Iranians saw her face, they rubbed their own faces to the ground.

The art of protest in Iran

Morgana Carroll, Scene Editor
November 22, 2022

Protests aren’t always done through the usual means of marches and cheers, according to  Professor of History of Art and Architecture at the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Pamela Karmi. Art has been...

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