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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

One thing certain at Central: bad parking

One thing certain at Central: bad parking

Clarissa Posner, Staff Reporter
April 21, 2016

Parking services at Central has upset many students because of a lack of parking spots during busy times throughout the day. It has been an ongoing controversy and there has been both negative and positive...

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Rest assured--it's probably not pink eye

Rest assured–it’s probably not pink eye

Kory Hollingsworth, Staff Reporter
April 21, 2016

In recent weeks, the number of reported cases of pinkeye affecting students has increased here at Central; however, these reports have been dismissed as false or discovered to be seasonal allergies instead...

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Chalking it up in support of The Donald

Chalking it up in support of The Donald

Ray Payne, Staff Reporter
April 21, 2016

A recent wave of Donald Drumpf related chalk drawings have been appearing on campus, leading some to question who is behind it, and whether or not chalk drawings are allowed. “Facilities does not...

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Drug court provides a second chance

Drug court provides a second chance

Jonathan Glover, Editor-In-Chief
April 21, 2016

Tyler Fulgham was 16-years-old the first time he smoked meth. He had just gotten out of church when one of his friends handed him a pipe and told him to smoke it. Tyler didn’t recognize the smooth,...

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ASCWU campaigns underway

ASCWU campaigns underway

Ray Payne, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2016

On Monday, approximately 15 candidates for ASCWU met to go over campaign rules and officially kick off their campaigns. Over the next month, these candidates will be making their case to the student...

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Wolverines making a comeback this season

Wolverines making a comeback this season

Kailan Manandic, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2016

Last week, a federal judge ordered the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reconsider its 2014 decision against listing the wolverine as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. Wolverines...

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Environment club makes progress on ban, successfully petitions city council

Environment club makes progress on ban, successfully petitions city council

Jonathan Glover, Editor-In-Chief
April 7, 2016

Chase Tibbles/Observer   When James King wants to prove a point, he prefers to do it literally. For the past two quarters, King would dress up in a suit made of hundreds of plastic bags and...

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Surf City Waterpark still in the works

Surf City Waterpark still in the works

Kailan Manandic, Staff Reporter
April 7, 2016

Surf City Waterpark overcame some major obstacles last week and is close to finally breaking ground this summer. On March 21, 35 of the 40 acres of water park land south of Interstate 90 went up...

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Bernie Sanders sweeps Washington; more states to vote

Bernie Sanders sweeps Washington; more states to vote

McKenzie Lakey, Orientation Editor
April 7, 2016

Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders proved victorious in the Washington State Democratic presidential caucus that took place on Saturday, March 26, pulling in 72.7% of the votes statewide. With...

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Muslim students face bigotry on Central's campus

Muslim students face bigotry on Central’s campus

The Observer Staff, News Editor
April 7, 2016

It was a warm spring day last year when Zahiah Alkharnda walked down the Walnut Mall in front of the SURC. A student standing to the side stopped his conversation with another student to spit at her feet. Zahiah,...

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Central transit tax to be approved

Central transit tax to be approved

Lexi Popich, Staff Reporter
March 10, 2016

A new 0.2 percent sales tax is in the process of approval to fund Central Transit and will be voted on in April. If the ballot passes, many improvements will be made to Central Transit. According to...

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Ellensburg Bernie supporters come together, organize march

Ellensburg Bernie supporters come together, organize march

Ray Payne, Staff Reporter
March 10, 2016

On Friday, March 4, 200 to 300 supporters are expected to march in support of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. The march will begin near Central’s campus and head into town. According to...

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