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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Haruma - a AUAP student fills a bag full of trash that was left along side a Dary Queen near the Ellensburg roundabout.

Earth month at CWU

Mathilde Angeledei, Staff Reporter
April 20, 2018

The Center for Leadership and Community Engagement (CLCE) will put on six activities in April to celebrate Earth Month. The purpose of Earth Month is to inform people about the environment and all the...

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BSU plans more protests, students upset with EB Police

BSU plans more protests, students upset with EB Police

Henry Crumblish, Scene Editor
April 20, 2018

Black Student Union (BSU) held a protest April 13 against police brutality due to the murder of Stephon Clark, a young black male from Sacramento, who was shot more than 20 times by police officers in...

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Regulation drives out Chelan County farms

Eric Rosane, Co-Editor
April 19, 2018

Farms in Chelan County have been facing heavy zoning regulations since 2014 by county commissioners that are forcing a majority of farms to shut down or cease production all together. The ordinance, according...

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Active Shooter Protocol

Miles King, News Editor
April 12, 2018

Mass shootings have unfortunately become a regular part of American life. With the recent events at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, how should students across campuses nationwide react in an active...

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ASCWU candidates meet to debate in the Surc Pit.

ASCWU candidates take the stage

Miles King, News Editor
April 12, 2018

ASCWU candidates gathered in the SURC Pit Wednesday, April 4 at noon for public debate. Questions for the hopeful candidates focused primarily on equity and inclusivity.   About 50 students and a few...

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Bob Ferguson discussed how he combatted Trump's travel ban.

Attorney General comes to CWU

Miles King and Eric Rosane, News Editor and Co-Editor
April 12, 2018

After a lawsuit filed by Washington Attorney general was upheld continuing deportation protections for dreamers in Washington, letters of gratitude flooded the Attorney General’s office. One letter,...

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Faculty Senate Chairman Cody Stoddard addresses the floor with an update.

Faculty senate overview

Matt Escamilla, Staff Reporter
April 12, 2018

Having a place to go where people can voice opinions and concerns within a community is essential to keeping issues at bay. Faculty Senate meetings provide an opportunity for faculty and administration...

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Students wait at the Financial Aid office.

Financial aid to offer Pell Grants for summer sessions

Mathilde Angeledei, Staff Reporter
April 12, 2018

For most students, summer is a time for sun and chilling with friends and family. For a handful of others, it is a time to study. CWU is still open during the summer, but most classes are offered online....

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On the prowl

Eric Rosane, Co-Editor
April 4, 2018

Ellensburg can sometimes be quite the quiet town. For resident Joel Ratcliff, 33, that perception changed the night of Wednesday, March 14. “My two favorite pastimes are shooting guns and [listening...

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Cooking with cannabutter

Eric Rosane, Co-Editor
April 4, 2018

As the marijuana industry continues to expand into states legalizing recreational and medical marijuana, so does the cannabis-infused food and edible market. According to a Arcview Market Research report,...

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A student has found a way of avoiding steep housing costs by way of his custom Dodge truck.

Dodge-ing housing costs

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
April 4, 2018

The cost of housing can be one of the highest expenses that a college student faces. Many students will try a variety of methods to avoid these costs, from living with roommates to becoming a resident...

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Construction company donates quarter million to name Science II

Nicholas Tucker, Staff Reporter
April 4, 2018

Lydig construction announced a $250,000 donation to the Central Washington University foundation on Monday, March 19. Lydig Construction, a general contractor and construction management company headquartered...

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