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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Black History Month recognized by DEC exhibit

Black History Month recognized by DEC exhibit

Alahnna Connolly, Staff Reporter
February 15, 2023

The deafening silence of contemplation filled SURC 137 A & B as visitors wandered through time at the Black History Month exhibit from Feb. 8-10. Black History Month has celebrated the contributions...

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A rendered image of what the Geo Eco Plant might look like. Courtesy of Scott Carlson

CWU plans to invest in geothermal heating and cooling

Morgana Carroll, News Editor
February 15, 2023

A geothermal heating and cooling plant is a part of the governor’s proposed package to fund the construction of a new North Academic Complex. The Geo Eco Plant is a proposed building that will utilize...

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Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia

Poll finds CWU students have become desensitized to police brutality

Morgana Carroll, News Editor
February 8, 2023

A poll of 85 students taken on campus last week by The Observer showed that the majority of CWU students believe they have become desensitized to seeing news about police brutality. 63 out of 85, or 74.12%,...

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Photo Courtesy of Flickr

Drug overdoses fall as mental health emergencies increase in Kittitas County

Omar Benitez, Staff Reporter
February 8, 2023

In an otherwise typical year for crime in Kittitas County, drug related crimes have fallen while mental health crises have increased.  Overdoses and drug crimes: Drugs, specifically fentanyl, have...

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Abortion ethics seminar educates CWU as reproductive rights dwindle

Alahnna Connolly, Staff Reporter
February 8, 2023

In light of the overturning of Roe v. Wade last spring, ‘An Abortion: Ethics, Privacy and Technology Post-Roe’ seminar was hosted on Jan. 31 by philosophy professor Cynthia Coe to inform students about...

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CrowE was one of the youth leaders invited to the United Nations Green Summit Photo Courtesy of Emma CrowE

CWU students attend UN Summit

Joshua Packard, Staff Reporter
February 8, 2023

CWU students Emma CrowE and David Torem attended the United Nations Green Summit in Bangkok last December. The students were nominated by Dr. Anne Cubilie, executive director of the CWU William O. Douglas...

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CWU police responding to false active shooter threat in 2019. Photo Courtesy of The Observer

Gun violence impacts American students

Megan Rogers, Assistant News Editor
February 6, 2023

According to the Mass Shooting Tracker, as of Feb. 6 there have been 69 mass shootings in 2023. These shootings resulted in the death of 116 and the wounding of 262 people. The Mass Shooting Tracker defines...

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Photo courtesy of Pexels

Bureau of Labor Statistics shows most useful degrees to graduate with

Joshua Packard, Staff Reporter
February 1, 2023

Before entering college, and even while attending, young adults must eventually decide what major(s) they’d like to graduate with and what ones might bring the most success. The first thing to note is...

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Traditional Chinese dance by Renee Bi.

Year of the rabbit celebrated at Lunar New Year festival

Alahnna Connolly, Staff Reporter
February 1, 2023

A Lunar New Year festival featuring Asian cuisine, performances by special guests and booths set up by the Korean Student Association (KSA) livened up Holmes Dining on Jan. 25. This year is the year of...

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Jeff Bousson is CWU's new sustainability officer. Photo Courtesy of Jeff Bousson

Jeffery Bousson joins CWU as new sustainability officer

Megan Rogers, Assistant News Editor
February 1, 2023

Jeffery (Jeff) Bousson joined CWU in December as the university’s new sustainability officer. As the sustainability officer, Bousson said he is developing projects, programs and initiatives related to...

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The International Center is a current possible location for the CCI

Center for Cultural Innovation to possibly receive funding

Morgana Carroll, News Editor
January 31, 2023

Gov. Jay Inslee’s proposed budget has allotted $6 million for the construction of the Center of Cultural Innovation (CCI) at CWU.  The Associated Students of CWU (ASCWU) held four open forums at...

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Our Enviroment Booth.

Kittitas Environmental Education Network Winter Fair back in action for first time since pandemic

Omar Benitez, Staf Reporter
January 26, 2023

Groups and organizations ranging from APOYO, Our Environment, CWU’s Zooarchaeology and Anthropology and Biological Science departments, Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group and others lined the Hal...

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