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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Student collects shoes from the “sole”

April 25, 2013

By SAMANTHA MONTEREY, staff reporter Natasha Borromeo, senior mathematics major and international public relations director for Playing for Kickz, will be collecting gently worn tennis shoes for...

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CWU student dies in Barto Hall, cause yet to be announced

April 19, 2013

By JULIA MARTINEZ, staff reporter UPDATED at 5:35 p.m. Central freshman, Madison Murphy, 19, was pronounced dead at approximately 10:30 p.m. last night, the cause of death under investigation by...

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Local professor, coach reflects on marathon bombs

Local professor, coach reflects on marathon bombs

April 19, 2013

By DANNY SCHMIDT, editor-in-chief  In 2011, poetry professor Katharine Whitcomb finished the Boston Marathon in four hours and 12 minutes—a time just three minutes slower than the time when two bombs...

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Proposed bill would bar employers from requesting social media passwords

April 19, 2013

By PATIENCE COLLIER, Staff Reporter A bill was introduced into the Washington State Legislature this year that would impact anyone with a Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr account. Senate Bill 5211...

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Ellensburg just wants to have fun

April 19, 2013

Connie Morgan, staff reporter The Ellensburg Downtown Association put on another successful Girls Night Out last night. This special event happens multiple nights every year as a way to showcase the...

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Boston Marathon marred by explosions

Boston Marathon marred by explosions

April 15, 2013

By DANNY SCHMIDT, editor-in-chief The Boston Marathon was rocked Monday afternoon when two bombs exploded about 50 to 100 yards apart, injuring 144 people and killing three, according to multiple news...

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Zach Olney/Observer

Intoxicated minors may pay more

April 11, 2013

EMILY BOUDREAU, staff reporter The legality of underage drinking hasn’t changed, but an additional $250  fee may be enacted for  minors who are under the influence but refuse to be taken to a hospital...

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Recreation Center looks to re-enforce dress code policy

April 11, 2013

SAMANTHA MONTERREY, Staff Reporter The University Recreation Center is currently working on polishing its rules and policy book and more strictly re-enforcing the dress code. The policy will...

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New middle school is center of attention

April 11, 2013

PATIENCE COLLIER, Staff Reporter Students may have seen the posters and signs around town, advocating for the upcoming bond for the district to construct a new middle school. The ballots for...

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Central is set to credit $507,438 to the S&A fund

April 11, 2013

MATT THOMPSON, Staff Reporter After receiving a letter from the Washington state auditor’s office and recalculating the administrative fee, Central Washington University is set to credit $507,438...

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BOD sets sights on renovations, help with tuition hikes

April 11, 2013

JULIA MARTINEZ, staff reporter Recreation center renovations, the price of tuition, and a letter supporting the CHCI were all topics discussed in the weekly Tuesday meeting of the Associated Students...

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Jason Brown speaks in SURC

April 11, 2013

JASMINE SINGH, staff reporter & SANTOS HERRERA, news editor Jason Brown, a short fiction author and professor at the University of Oregon, read his collection of short stories on Tuesday for...

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