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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

"LGBTQ2IA+ teach-in" to be held at Brooks Library in light of recent events

“LGBTQ2IA+ teach-in” to be held at Brooks Library in light of recent events

Stephen Martin, Staff Reporter
November 8, 2021

A “LGBTQ2IA+ teach-in” will be held Monday Nov. 8 outside of the Brooks Library called “Queering the Space” to educate the community about various issues and to address recent incidents of hate...

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Questions arise surrounding accessibility at CWU

Joseph Stanger, Staff Reporter
November 7, 2021

Going to classes while living on campus isn’t particularly difficult: you walk the equivalent of a few blocks and you can get almost anywhere within minutes. But, if you’re a wheelchair user, getting...

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Courtesy of Netflix

Disability Services screens ‘Crip Camp’ for Disability History Month

Joseph Stanger, Staff Reporter
October 26, 2021

In the state of Washington, every October is Disability History Month, a month dedicated to promoting awareness and understanding of disability history and people with disabilities. CWU’s Disability...

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Ellensburg takes steps to be more inclusive to travelers and locals.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Ellensburg takes steps to be more inclusive to travelers and locals.

Chuck Dickson, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2021

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Commission has been working on ways they can improve the connection between the city and the community. This includes fixing accessibility issues and understanding...

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CWU Alumni G-Man Denke uses music to cope with depression

Breaking the Stigma: Depression

Katherine Camarata, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2021

This article discusses the concepts of self harm and suicide, content which some readers may find upsetting. “Everybody knows what it’s like to be sad,” CWU Psychology Lecturer Cynthia Engel said....

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Breaking the stigma: Autism spectrum disorder

Breaking the stigma: Autism spectrum disorder

Katherine Camarata, Staff Reporter
October 8, 2021

“Autism is not only how our brains operate, but it’s also our culture. It helps shape who we are and why we are the way we are,” said alumna Devin Beach, founder of a local community of autism activists,...

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'This was preventable': CWU student arrested, facing student conduct after stealing Pride flag and lighting it on fire

‘This was preventable’: CWU student arrested, facing student conduct after stealing Pride flag and lighting it on fire

June 13, 2021

A CWU student has been arrested after stealing an LGTBQ Pride flag from the SURC and setting it on fire, CWU Police confirmed. The incident took place his week and was captured on social media. CWU’s...

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Author Paisley Rekdal speaks to CWU students on Cultural Appropriation in Literature

Author Paisley Rekdal speaks to CWU students on Cultural Appropriation in Literature

Mariana Gonzalez, Staff Reporter
June 2, 2021

The rising issue of cultural appropriation was discussed over a Zoom webinar by author Paisley Rekdal. Rekdal was invited to speak by the English department in their Lion Rock Visiting Writers Series....

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Sandra Galta on The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality and Immigration

Milenne Quinonez, Staff Reporter
May 26, 2021

Sandra Galta, a part-time Sociology professor, unravels the vulnerability of women to rape, family separation and deportation of partners/spouses of the “UndocuQueer” population in the U.S and the...

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Local author visits CWU for Racism & Criminal Justice series to discuss racism within police culture

Jamie Wyatt, Staff Reporter
May 19, 2021

Brooks Library is hosting a virtual series in partnership with Law and Justice professor Roger Schaefer to discuss the current controversial topic of racism through the lens of criminal justice.  The...

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Asian Studies program invited guest speaker to discuss 'Women and Buddhism'

Asian Studies program invited guest speaker to discuss ‘Women and Buddhism’

Lexi Wicks, Staff Reporter
May 19, 2021

How do women engage with Buddhism? It is one question among many that Jin Park addressed May 13 in a women and Buddhism webinar. By taking a look into the life of Kim Iryǒp (1896-1971) Park hopes to find...

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Michael Hurt discussed Korean LGBTQ history

Michael Hurt discussed Korean LGBTQ history

Ondrea Machin, Staff Reporter
May 19, 2021

The fight for LGBTQ rights has been a highly discussed topic across the globe for the past few years and continues to gain traction with each passing year. But even with all the progress, there is a continued...

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