Democratic National Convention to begin
The office of the Kittitas County Democrats continues to house signs and materials from past campaigns.
July 23, 2016
The Democratic National Convention (DNC) will be a four day event, similar to the Republican National Convention, beginning July 25th and ending July 28th in Philadelphia.
Following the traditional standard of such events, Hillary Clinton will be announced as the Democratic nominee. Clinton will also announce her choice for vice president at that time.
Clinton’s slogan for her campaign is “Hillary for America,” with speakers set to include Clinton’s former challenger, Senator Bernie Sanders, First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama.
Also speaking at the event will be Vice President Joe Biden, former President Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea Clinton. Hillary Clinton is expected to speak the last night of the convention.
Steve Verhey, the local chair of the Democratic headquarters in Ellensburg is “hoping that the most avid Bernie supporters are watching the Republican National Convention…to realize what the stakes are.”
Andrew Parsons, vice chair of the headquarters hopes that “outside of the convention the DNC will put a lot of energy and resources into getting Democrats elected nationally, not just in the White House.”
Verhey said that he would also like to see Clinton talk about climate change during the convention. Both Parsons and Verhey said that they are unsure of who Clinton will pick as her ice president, but are excited to see who it will be.
Verhey stressed the importance of having CWU students voting in the right county, which he says could make a huge difference in who gets elected locally.
The county primary is August 2, and many positions are up for the taking, including county commissioner, public lands commissioner, lieutenant governor and state treasurer.
To register to vote go to The Democratic headquarters is located at 412 N. Main Street.