Book club at Brooks Library

Courtesy of Simon & Schuster
January 28, 2016
The Brooks Library is hosting its second quarterly book club. Every quarter the club reads a new book and then holds a discussion.
The books that are chosen are not the type of books that are required in normal classes. The idea is to make something informal and fun.
Students from all kinds of majors have the chance to come together during these discussions.
The discussions encourage students to keep learning new things outside of the classroom by continuing to read for pleasure, said Molly Allen, head secretary at the library.
Last quarter, the book was “Orange is the New Black.”
The project was very successful, according to Allen, and lots of interesting discussions were held.
An average of 15 students attended the club last quarter. The library is expecting between 15 and 20 students for this quarter’s book club.
The book chosen for this quarter is “Eating Wildly: Foraging for Life, Love and the Perfect Meal.”
It is about eating in a healthier way regardless of where you live and the conditions you face.
The story is about a girl named Ava Chin who goes on a journey after a very close relative dies.
According to the synopsis of the book, recipes are also included, but the novel is not just about food. There is also an emotionality that can make the reader think about the value of family.
Allen said the book was chosen because the community reading program “One book, One Region” chose the book.
The club also includes community members. It is open to everyone that is interested in sharing their opinions on the book, Allen said.
The first meeting of the book club will be at Feb. 1, when participants are able to pick up the book.
The format of two meetings per month for the club was decided so that the club members have the time to read the book on their own, Allen said.
Letting each member read the book in the time of one month allows them to come to the discussion meeting with the book finished and ready to talk about it.