Review: Big Hero 6

January 28, 2015
Since the acquisition of Marvel, Disney has gained many different types of comic books.
Many people were surprised to find out that one of the more recent ideas that Disney decided to adapt into a full feature film was of the comic Big Hero 6.
Created by the same 3-D animation team that created Wreck-It Ralph, Tangled and Frozen, Big Hero 6 has a more modern look that has become iconic in Disney’s 3-D animation department, which is separate from their collaboration with Pixar.
The story of Big Hero 6 follows the recently upturned life of Hiro, a technological prodigy, in his journey to attend university with his older brother, Tadashi.
However, after presenting an idea that grants him acceptance into the school, an accident occurs and Hiro’s experiment is stolen.
Hiro partners up with Tadashi’s robotic creation, Baymax, which was designed to help the sick and elderly.
Hiro and Baymax, with the help of four schoolmates, discover who stole Hiro’s creation and caused the accident.
Together they must find a way to retrieve Hiro’s creation.
Big Hero 6 manages to capture the concepts and ideas from the original comic book series as well as allowing Disney to add its own creative twist to the characters themselves.
The characters are all fun, enjoyable, and relatable. The story is fast, upbeat and allows for many moments of thrilling action and heartbreaking scenes.
The way the main cast is able to emote creates the emotion of the film.
While the film is completely animated, the audience is able to sink into the emotions that the characters are feeling within the story.
Audiences have fallen in love with the characters and have given the film a lot of praise.
Most critics would agree that the only gripe to be had with Big Hero 6 would be that the story is somewhat predictable. However, that’s only in the sense that it’s a story that movie-goers have most likely seen before.
While it does have those moments where the audience can foresee what might happen next, Disney throws a monkey wrench into the story that is sure to send audiences on an emotional ride.
Big Hero 6 was exactly what Disney needed to create after buying out Marvel.
They took some of the ideas from the golden goose of Marvel’s collection and breathed new life into a forgotten series.
Full of imagination, all while keeping the original spirit of the comics, Big Hero 6 is a must-see for fans of Marvel, Disney, comics and everything in-between.