Former student Wanz performs at men’s basketball game vs. Western

January 29, 2015
Michael Wansley, better known as Wanz, is a Grammy-winning R&B singer and Central alumnus who recently returned to Central to perform at the men’s basketball game versus Western, and to give a guest lecture in the music building.
Wanz was a software test engineer, working at software companies such as Microsoft before hitting his big break in the music business.
In June 2012, Wanz received a phone call from Street Level Records owner, D-Sane.
D-Sane recruited Wanz to be featured on the future hit “Thrift Shop.” Wanz had never heard of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis up until that moment. He headed to the studio at 1 a.m. to lay down the now iconic chorus of the song.
Little did he know, from that short 45-minute session, he would not only record a Grammy winning song, but also become an integral piece of a pop culture phenomenon.
Wanz is now on tour with Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, while also working on his solo album, but he found time in his schedule to perform at the men’s basketball game versus Western on Jan. 14.
While visiting Central, he gave a lecture to music students, gave a jazz clinic, and also did an interview with the campus radio station, KCWU 88.1 The ‘Burg.
Music professor Chris Bruya has known Wanz for over 30 years and was a graduate student while Wanz was an undergraduate at Central.
Bruya even had Wanz play percussion on a song titled “Brown Boy” as part of an album that Bruya had put together with other Central music students.
“[Wanz] gave a jazz clinic while he was in town and sang jazz, and it was pretty damn good,” Bruya said.
Bruya said he thinks it is important for all students to see and talk to people who have graduated from Central and gone on to be successful. For him, hearing about student success after college is the goal for any instructor.
“When I see Wanz and other musicians who are out performing and teaching, it encourages me and inspires me to strive to be like them,” said David Rim, junior education major.
In his interview with The ‘Burg, Wanz recalled what it was like going to school at Central. He shared the story of how he had first heard one of his most important influences, The Police, his freshman year.
“When I came to school I didn’t like rock music,” Wanz said. “I was a funk and soul guy. It was really freaky the first week. On the Barto lawn, they’re blasting the AC/DC, they’re blasting the Led Zeppelin, then I heard The Police and I’ve loved them ever since.”
Wanz said while attending Central in the early 1980’s, he was able to learn more about the world of music than he could have ever dreamed. At the time, Central had a nationally acclaimed jazz department.
Wanz went on to talk about Central Connection, his first funk band that he had formed while at Central. The band mostly played Earth, Wind, and Fire covers as well as covers of other funk band’s songs.
He said that on May 17, 1980 Central Connection played at a campus-wide dance in Barto Hall and “killed it.”
He said that college was important in developing his thirst for knowledge. He said it’s where he learned to think and consider every second, and how to take advantage of every moment he was given.
“Life is made up of little moments,” Wanz said. “What I’ve learned in my 53 years of life is that people can let one little moment make or break their world.”