As winter finals continue to get closer and closer, many people struggle to deal with the stress. To help combat the stress, The Learning Commons put on an event called “Mindset, motivation and Painting”.
The event, which involved painting your own motivational poster, was held at the library last Thursday. Despite the minimal attendance, with only one non-peer mentor showing up, the event still gave off a fun and welcoming feeling.
“The purpose of this event is to bring together students to help them through midterms and just through all the stress that’s happening right now, and give them a safe space to just relax, paint and learn about different types of mindsets and find out what motivates them and helps them,” Genevie Chhum, a junior and marketing major who was a peer mentor at the event, said. “During midterms, it’s really hard to get any motivation, especially during wintertime. So, this is just a good event to have for first-year students and just in general, students of all years can have a place to talk to peer mentors if they’re struggling with anything in class.”
Chhum also explained how the event helped her as a peer mentor. “For me as a worker, it helps me connect to students and potential mentees. So, it’s a lot for me, because my whole job is to help students navigate university here. So, this is how I get in touch with students, and I also like to do the activity with them, because I’m a student also, so it’s nice to get my mind off homework,” Chhum said.
The event itself went for a cozy vibe with chill music being played over the speakers in order to set a calm mood.
“I think these are awesome events provided to students.” Janet Hernandez-Felipe, a second-year aviation major and another peer mentor at the event, said. “It’s something that I didn’t know my freshman year, and I sometimes wish I would have known about these types of things. And I think how the people who come here are here for a purpose, and it helps them in a way, and two things for them.”
Though the number of people who were there was small, laughter and general discussion from both the peer mentors and the one regular student filled the air as they seemed to enjoy themselves.
“After going to these events, I found myself more focused on what I need to complete with school,” Marisol Torres-Alcantar, a first-year and elementary education major, said. “I’m connecting with my peer mentors. And I find more things to ask about and learn about, as it is my first year on campus.”