Clubbing is typically seen as a “red flag”, something that only immature and irresponsible people want to take part in. To me though it’s more of just a fun way to pass time, something I can go out and do with my friends after a long week. I’ve been to a few clubs in a few different places and have had very different experiences at each of them. But what’s the real difference?
I’ll start with my first clubbing experience ever, classic Club 301 here in Ellensburg. 301 is not only the first club I went to, but also the club I’ve been to the most. I know who I’m going to see when I’m there, I know what the vibes of the night will be and I know down to the minute what time the DJ will play closing time for everyone to leave. I’m able to plan what I’m doing before 301 according to what I know is the best time to show up for there to be enough people to where it isn’t dead, but not so much that I get stuck at the bar for 30 minutes waiting to get a drink. 301 to me is a reliable clubbing experience. I won’t be on my way there guessing what will happen because I already know.
Next I’ll talk about the club scene I’ve had the least experience in, Capital Hill. This was a recent experience I had, a group of my friends and I having been in Seattle for the weekend and decided that we wanted to go out while we were there.
We went to two clubs while there, Barbozas and Neighbors. Barbozas was how we started the night and I didn’t think that it was possible for a club smaller than Club 301 to exist, but I was proven wrong. To be fair there were multiple levels in Barbozas, but the actual club level was very small. Everyone was packed in like sardines to the point that one of my friends was squished in a corner and squatted because he couldn’t move. But they get extra points for having $5 Jell-O shots and because the DJ gave us flowers at the end of the night. Neighbors was an okay experience, but I think that that’s just because we went super late into the night so there was hardly anyone there by the time we showed up.
Overall Capital Hill was a fun and new experience. The main thing I didn’t enjoy was the fact that walking between the clubs took a while and due to the Washington weather we got rained on while waiting outside of Neighbors. But I would definitely be willing to give it another shot.
Lastly, my favorite clubbing experience, Old Town Scottsdale. I’ve been to Arizona quite a few times in the past couple of months due to me planning to move there after graduation, and every time I’m there I make sure to spend a couple of nights out in Old Town.
The first time I went was actually with my mom back in July. It was an interesting night, not many people tend to go out clubbing with their parents, and definitely not in a place like Old Town. This is a place that just has multiple clubs all clumped into one spot, making it super easy to hop around with your friends if one club starts getting boring.
One thing that really sets Old Town apart from other clubbing scenes is the promoters. Promoters are people who are paid to bring people into the clubs, and the way they typically bring people in is by offering free drinks at a table.
My first night out in Old Town I made friends with a promoter who ended up being one of my best friends over in Arizona. She invited me to her table and free drinks as well as a place to sit when you’re tired of dancing won me over.
Another thing that really makes Old Town different from other clubbing scenes is that you really never know what’s going to happen when you go. There’s always something new and exciting happening, whether it be a performance, someone famous making an appearance or just some other insane drunk shenanigans from other club goers. I think that’s probably one of my favorite parts of Old Town clubbing, the unpredictability.
Clubbing overall is just a fun activity that I think should really be less stigmatized. It’s not just something that people who have nothing better going on for them do, I’ve met so many people at the club who own businesses, who have families and do all this other amazing stuff in their lives. It’s simply just a way to unwind and have fun with friends. You just have to find the right club for you.