By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Sound Bite Issue 9


This Week in Music 

Welcome to this quarter’s final issue of Sound Bite! With summer just around the corner, I’ll be using this issue to highlight some upcoming releases that we won’t be able to cover, and I’ll also give my opinions on a few artists to look out for in the coming months.

But before we get into the summer forecast I wanted to touch on a recent release by Vince Staples, who is very quickly becoming a prominent name in the entertainment sphere. His latest album, “Dark Times,” is probably his most advanced yet. With a few standout songs that promise strong replayability, it’s already becoming a highlight of his discography. 

Now J.P. is a name most of you probably haven’t heard, but after stumbling upon his hit single “Bad Bitty” I became captivated by his work. He is supposedly dropping new music throughout the summer, so if you ever have some free time in the next few months I would highly recommend checking him out as he’s a very fun listen.

It’s always hard to predict who will actually drop in the summer, and who will push that release just a little further back. Some albums I think we can confidently say you can look forward to will be the highly anticipated “Brat” by Charli XCX in early June. 

It’s also possible that Y$ releases the next part of “Vultures” sometime this summer, after its previous delay earlier this year. Childish Gambino, Paul McCartney and many others have either teased or rumored albums this summer, but with no exact release dates it’s hard to know what’s actually going to end up coming out.

Of course, with this being The Observer’s last official issue of the year, there won’t be any more Sound Bite until the start of fall quarter. However, I do have high hopes that we will be able to bring back Sound Bite in the quarters to come, and I look forward to making it bigger and better than ever before! 

Snack Size Samples

Isaac Dobmeier


This is my very last series of songs for Sound Bite before handing the reins over to Brandon forever so here are some especially important rapid-fire suggestions to leave you all with.

“Supposed To” – Tek Lintowe

“Over The Hills”- Buckshot

“A Pirate Looks at Forty”- Jimmy Buffett

“Hug”- Joeyy

“The Silent Boy Cries (Ripsquadd
Outro)”- Bladee

“Rented Starship”- Rooster

“Vår Sång”- jonatan leandoer96

“i won”- Milkreset

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