By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

ASCWU voting results are in: Cantu re-elected for Presidency

After a long campaign trail, the final voting results from the Associated Students of Central Washington University (ASCWU) student government election has been revealed, as per and verified by the ASCWU Election Commission. Malik Cantu was re-elected as president, while Nick Villa was re-appointed as vice president and Alec “Hondo” Acosta-Vega was voted in as senate speaker. 

This will be Cantu’s second term as ASCWU president. Cantu, who has been a member of the ASCWU since their freshman year, ran this year campaigning for development on the long-promised Multi-Cultural Center, as well as the chance to build relationships in and around CWU and Ellensburg. 

“I am so incredibly grateful to be stepping into this role again,” Cantu said in a statement to The Observer. “To be trusted with this privilege twice is a rare opportunity so I fully intend to give back as much as possible through raising awareness and making progress on the initiatives I ran on. This campaign process was very eye opening for me as a leader so I’m excited to also work on my areas of growth. I want to congratulate all of the candidates this year and thank them for sharing their passion and motivation. To my fellow presidential candidates, I want to say thank you for advocating for the needs of our students and taking action to create change. To the newly elected, I am so excited to work with y’all (some again) to create an even stronger, more active presence of student government in the campus experience. Every single candidate this year demonstrated a deep care for our community and commitment to leadership.”

Among students who voted, a little more than half of them voted for Cantu for president, about a third voted for Eliasib Alvarado, 13% voted for Charles Johnson and 3% abstained. For senate speaker, half of the students who voted cast their ballots for Acosta-Vega, a quarter voted for Meric Jackson and 22% abstained. 

Outside of president, vice president and senate speaker, seven other positions were voted for, as well as the CWU Student Green Fund. Of those seven people voted in, six of them ran unopposed. Anthony Marquez was voted in as a senator at large, as well as Camden Delano via write-in. The rest are as follows. 

Michelle Carillo was elected director for governmental affairs; Gerardo Castillo was elected director for student life and facilities; Caleena Wyman was elected senator for the graduate school; Mariana Leos-Bravo was elected senator for the College of Business; Gabriel Genzel was elected senator for the College of Arts and Humanities, and Ivan Rojas Iman was elected senator for the College of the Sciences. 

For full results, click the link below: 

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