Dave Hartless’ mission: Striving for change one student at a time

David Hartless. Photo courtesy of CWU
May 3, 2023
While some may know him as ‘Big Dave’ on 88.1 The ‘Burg or as a bouncer at Club 301, fourth-year political science major Dave Hartless has also become known for his work as the student board member on the CWU Board of Trustees.
Hartless said his mission is to help and inspire others. He has been using his position on the Board of Trustees to push for change at CWU and hopes that he can provide a positive experience for future students after he graduates.
“The mission of the Board of Trustees remains focused on becoming a model learning community of equity and belonging,” according to the CWU Board of Trustees website.
Making a difference for students
“I’ve learned better life lessons in a classroom than I have out of a textbook,” Hartless said. “I learned great life lessons through classrooms, because through college, you’re supposed to learn and make mistakes, making a classroom a source for learning life lessons.”
Hartless is an advocate for students’ meal security, and for not putting this cost on students to cover.
“Six dollars a month for something that should be free, we already have some of the highest student visas in the state and I have a serious issue with that,” Hartless said. “I don’t care that it’s only six dollars, I have an issue with charging students more money.”
Hartless additionally said he believes students should be put in a better position where they can acquire professional business clothes.
“I would like to see them create a stipend of some sort, to either reimburse or give the students money to get business professional photos,” Hartless said. “I’ve been to Olympia and a lobby of trustees, I went there to get confirmed from the Higher Education Committee meetings and I’ve been in a lot of business clothes for that.”
Hartless said he believes students should have the opportunity to own professional clothing, because business clothes are an investment that is meant to last.
Hartless said the greatest impact he can have is by being a voice, and one of his messages is for people to be advocates for themselves.
Future at CWU
Hartless said he wishes to see inclusion for everybody, and to make students feel at home no matter what group they are a part of.
“Your voices are heard and your opinions matter, and no situation is too small,” Hartless said. “I want to see Central continue to grow that way.”
Hartless expressed his hopes for the future of student government at CWU.
“I want to see ASCWU actually do things for students, since they are elected by the students, and not just hold meetings,” Hartless said. “I want to see ASCWU actually advocate for the students. I wish that CWU would have more of an engaged student body.”
Hartless recognized that students get what they put in at this school. Hartless said he is very grateful to be given the opportunity to help other people.
“My whole philosophy is, if I can help you, my job here is done,” Hartless said. “If I can inspire one person during my time in college… I did something good.”