Senior Farewell – Katlyn White
Katlyn White stands next to Wellington.
November 22, 2022
The last two years I have spent my time sitting on my computer editing numerous articles every week for The Observer. This was the most rewarding experience throughout my time in CWU.
I began as copy desk staff and worked my way up to Copy Desk Lead. Being in this position has been very eye opening to many things, like the intricacies of news writing, my love for editing and the lack of public education on the rules of grammar.
I have put my blood, sweat and many, many tears into The Observer. I have felt lucky enough to participate in bringing all these articles to their best light. I feel privileged that I was able to meet all of the past and present editors that I have worked with.
My biggest accomplishment is The Observer’s adviser, Jennifer Green, saying that the copy during my time here was the “cleanest copy.”
I pride myself in the time spent making The Observer. Trust me, this takes a lot of effort and a lot of people to produce a weekly publication, so please share The Observer with classmates, friends and family.
My work here in The Observer is what I believe got me into my dream program this summer. The New York University Summer Publishing Institute has been my dream since I was 12 years old. I knew I wanted to go to this summer program before I knew what college I wanted to go to. I credit my time at CWU, The Observer and other opportunities here for getting me a spot for the 2022 program.
Aside from The Observer, which took up 90% of my time, I took classes for Professional and Creative Writing classes and Journalism. I was the editor for the Her Campus chapter here at CWU. I have read over 250 books through the past three years and a quarter.
I am proud of myself for graduating. I am proud of my accomplishments here. I am proud of the path I have chosen in life and am excited for the next steps.
Thank you CWU, and thank you so much Observer.