Q+A With CWU Alumni Alisa Muench

Photo courtesy of Alisa Muench

Kat Cardenas, Columnist

  1. How did ‘Hot New Jam’ come about?

Once upon a time, there was another improv team at Central. It was called Sharks with Legs! Long story short, a second improv team was created (the Hot New Jam) and took over the improv game at CWU. Hence the slogan “Central’s best (and only) improv team!”. I auditioned and made it onto the Hot New Jam in Fall of my freshman year in 2017. When I first joined the team, we were performing shows in the bistro to an audience of about 10 people. I’m incredibly proud of how far the team has come since then. 

  1. What got you first involved with theatre?

I technically first got involved in theatre in elementary school, doing small after school plays. After taking a break from it for a while, I ended up auditioning for my high school’s spring musical sophomore year. I’ve been taking voice lessons since I was around 6 years old, so a musical wasn’t too scary for me. Well, I must’ve had a pretty solid audition because I landed a lead role. The rest was history! I will never forget the feeling of bowing after our first performance and thinking “Ohhhh this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Cool!”.

  1. What is your favorite musical?

My favorite musical? That’s like asking a mother her favorite child! I’ve got a couple of go-tos. Definitely some top ones are “Come From Away”, “West Side Story”, “Urinetown”, “The Band’s Visit”, and “title of show”. 

  1. What’s one of your favorite shows you’ve been a part of?

One of my favorite shows that I’ve been a part of most recently was “The Pirates of Penzance” at the Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society. It was the first operetta I’ve performed in, and we performed at the gorgeous Seattle Repertory Theatre. I also met my amazing partner, Jack, during the show! He’s my all-time favorite pirate. It was an incredible overall experience and a cool new challenge for me!

  1. What’s one of your favorite CWU theatre memories?

The most amazing experience I ever had in CWU’s theatre department was the entire production of “The Wolves” by Sarah DeLappe. It was not only unlike anything I’ve ever done, but it was a phenomenal cast/crew. Directed by the fabulous/incredible/inspiring Dr. Emily Rollie, “The Wolves” is a play about a girl’s indoor soccer team. It was a cast of 10 amazing women and non-binary folx, and it was truly a magical experience. We all bonded and connected in a way I’d never experienced in a theatre environment, and the show itself was amazing as well. This was also the play that CWU was in the middle of putting on when the pandemic struck in March 2020 (literally, we were in between our two weekends of shows when they shut us down). That group of incredible people became my family, and I ended up getting a tattoo to forever remember it. It’s my favorite one!

  1. What are you up to now after CWU?

Since I graduated at CWU I’ve had the pleasure of doing shows around the Seattle and Tacoma area. I’m currently starring in Seattle’s debut of “House of Spirits: a Haunted Cocktail Soiree”, which is an immersive theatre experience. We’ve been performing to sold out audiences for the last several weeks, and we wrap up on Halloween! It’s been a crazy experience and unlike anything I’ve ever done before. I originally planned to move to Chicago post-graduation, but life had other plans for me. I’m looking forward to continuing my theatrical career in Seattle and see where else I end up!

Instagram: @alisathegreat44