4-H is an extremely beneficial program for children to join

Courtesy of Pexels.com
May 11, 2022
4-H is one of the most beneficial programs that a child can join. 4-H works with youth 5-18 years old and strives to bring out the potential in them and make them strong leaders.
According to uwyo.com, “The purpose of 4-H is to help youth acquire knowledge, develop life skills and form attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive members of society.”
According to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a former member, Molly Kolano, said, “During my several years in 4-H, I developed leadership skills through member demonstrations, project meetings and community service activities.”
4-H has a long history of helping youth.
According to their official website, 4-h.org, “For more than 100 years, 4‑H has welcomed young people of all beliefs and backgrounds, giving kids a voice to express who they are and how they make their lives and communities better.”
In 2014, I joined 4-H’s dog project. A huge part of 4-H, besides showing our dogs, of course, is educating the public on dogs.
We do this in two ways: talking with the public as they walk through the dog barn at the county fair, as well as public presentations.
I was 12 and I wouldn’t talk to anyone at the fair or even in my club, and the thought of public presentations absolutely terrified me.
But as the years went on, I became more confident in speaking to the public. The members of my 4-H club became some of my best friends. I also took on a leadership role as president of my club my last year in 4-H.
Not only does 4-H help bring out the confidence in its members but in the animals as well.
In 4-H, I showed my American Shaffire Terrier mix. When we first adopted her, she was absolutely terrified of everything and everyone.
Through 4-H and interactions with the public, she has become a more confident dog. She no longer hides behind me while in public, and while still wary of strangers, she tends to warm up to them quickly.
I highly suggest 4-H to anyone because it will help you build lifelong skills that you will use forever.