Outdoor Recreation Sports Complex is open, but with limited availability

Ty Mcphee, Staff Reporter

Students were turned away from the Recreation Sports Complex (RSC) after wanting to use the turf field Jan. 27 at around 7 p.m. 

The students were unaware of any sort of change to the hours and were told that only club teams were able to use it at that time.

Senior Coordinator for Recreation Operation Alex Lee said most of the hours that are open to students are being used by club sports at this time.

 “Technically we are open from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday for all of our patrons and formal recreation, all that good stuff,” Lee said.”But we do have three clubs out there currently that do practice and they do take up a majority of the time that we are open.”

Sports clubs are the patrons who do use the RSC more than non-sports club patrons 

Lee mentioned in an email that while some times require reservations others don’t.

“Between 4-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday there are no reservations and the turf field is available for informal recreation,” Lee said. 

The hours posted on the CWU recreation page for winter quarter only lists the academic hours as 4-8 p.m. and the recreation portal lists the facility hours as 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. 

Lee recognized that posting the open hours would be an area that they could improve on for the website but noted that clubs may not meet at their typical hours.

“We want our students, if they wanna go out there and play, to go out there and play,” Lee said

Students are able to access recreation facility calendars through the CWU recreation portal to see when clubs meet or not.