Students fill the SURC to “create a creature”

Lexi Wicks, Student Reporter

Online classes can burn out students quickly, but Campus Activities plans events in order to help students hit the reset button. 

On April 22, Campus Activities hosted the Create a Creature event that allowed students to build and take home their own stuffed animals.

Students were given the choice to build one of three different animals, either a cow, panda or kangaroo. Each packet provided the animal, stuffing, a plain t-shirt and a certificate.

Once students stuffed and created their creature, they had the opportunity to design a T-shirt for the animal to wear and fill out a certificate in order to officially give their new friend a name.

This event had a very large turn out. Students filled the second story of the SURC waiting for their chance to create a creature. The line wrapped around the balcony and chatter filled the building.

After getting all the supplies, many students scattered to other parts of the campus in order to keep a safe distance from the crowded line.

Smiling faces filled the room as students began to bring their new companions to life.

Campus activities are “all student driven events, [that] plan a lot of small and large scale events,” said Katie Doonan, Campus Activities programmer.

“This is what students want,” Doonan said. 

Make-it-Take-it events is a theme throughout spring quarter. 

These events are truly for the student population’s benefit, according to Doonan. Doonan said it is a mixture of providing college experiences, social interaction and improving mental health. She is excited to see what all these events can do now that students are able to meet in person as well as online. 

Campus Activities are always looking for new ideas and feedback on what the student population wants to see in upcoming events. 

If you have any suggestions for events feel free to pitch your ideas to Campus Activities through their Instagram (@cwucampusactivities) or via email at [email protected].

You can find upcoming make it and take it events for spring quarter on the CWU events calendar or advertised on the Campus Activities’ Instagram.