My culture is not your Halloween costume
October 27, 2020
Every year, I see white people and non-Native Americans post their Halloween costumes that are usually described as an “Indian Princess,” and this costume trend needs to die out already.
You’re not being cute imitating our war cries or “performing a rain dance.” You are being offensive.
To see my culture being dismissed enough to the point of just being a Halloween costume is harmful to not only Native Americans, but also those who are uneducated on how this is cultural appropriation and inappropriate.

Besides being offensive to our culture, normalizing this behavior makes those who don’t know any better believe the costumes are acceptable.
These costumes mimic real regalia and headdresses. They may imitate buckskin by using cheap cloth and may use feathers from an arts-and-crafts store to create a fake headdress.
The history behind our regalia is much more than something we would just buy from a store. Our regalia is tied to our religions and cultures.
Native American regalia greatly varies, whether it is our powwow outfits, what we wear to our church services or other modernized clothing.
For women at powwows, depending on what category of dance they are participating in, they can be wearing buckskin or cloth, have a shawl draped on their shoulders and usually have otter furs wrapped around their braids and have moccasins on.
Realistically, we never look like these stereotypes portrayed by these Halloween costumes. Our cultures are more than what you may see on Halloween.
We have a few different religions within our cultures, for example the Yakamas have Shaker and the Washat (Seven Drums) religions. We have dance categories at powwows and we have traditional foods.
Nobody ever hears or knows about these facts when a girl is pretending to do a rain dance at a college dorm party. This is because our regalia is treated as a costume instead of what it actually is: part of a fully fledged culture.
A quick Google search of “Native American costumes” brings up multiple costumes imitating our culture, ranging from children’s costumes to adult ones that have a habit of being sexualized.
All of them have the same trend of imitating buckskin regalia, and either a headband or headdress with women having their hair in braids. The implied hairstyles for men with these costumes are either braids or mohawks.
All of these costumes do, however, have either face paint or a prop of either a bow and arrow set or a tomahawk.
As a Native American from the Yakama Indian Reservation, I can promise you we have not worn face paint or used tomahawks anytime recently. Our regalia is not always created from buckskin, and we are not doing rain dances.
My friend shared a status on social media of me saying I dislike when people wear these costumes, and my white friends tried to shut me down with their opinions as to why it is not offensive.
One comment in particular said these costumes are not offensive, as they (white people) have borrowed from all cultures, and these costumes are equivalent to using turmeric in a recipe.
There is a large difference between a spice that can be used in recipes and a costume that portrays the Native American culture in a sexualized manner while also portraying us as silly, dumb or as savages.
Tumeric does not reflect on a culture, while these costumes do.
While having a “Cowboy & Indian” couples costume with your boo may sound like a good idea, the great thing about Halloween is that there are endless amounts of costume ideas.
You do not have to choose the one that involves a stereotype, you could easily be a king and queen, a superhero and their love interest or a celebrity couple.
If you insist on a “historical” costume, you could be a president and his wife.
These costumes may not seem like a big deal to those outside of the culture, as it is “just a costume.”
However, it is not up to non-Natives to decide whether it is offensive and acceptable or not. These costumes directly reflect on our culture.
A role non-Natives can play in this situation is to discourage the use of these costumes and educate others as to why they are bad.
There are many resources online that can educate and explain more on this topic, so I encourage everybody to become educated.
Allan • Oct 7, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Just going through FB and found pics of our State fair advertising their Oktoberfest. Lot’s of non-Germans dressed in costumes – some of the women are even wearing fake blonde wigs. Just wondering if you consider such festivities as being “cultural appropriations?” Don’t you think the over sensitivity about costumes has become a bit overwhelming? Maybe we should just let people dress as they like and not let it up set us?
natalie • Nov 5, 2022 at 11:19 am
You misses the whole point of the article. In what way is someone being over sensitive if they are sharing how their culture is being mocked and inaccurately portrayed? How hard is it to listen to someone who is giving a lot of good reasons why something is offensive instead of complaining? Why are you asking someone who probably isn’t German if they’d find that offensive? At the end they literally say “it is not up to non-Natives to decide whether it is offensive and acceptable or not” so why would they know if wearing a blonde wig is offensive to Germans? You have no right to tell someone to not be upset by something that is offensive. And if you don’t understand why it’s offensive, read the article again.
nutschii • Nov 3, 2021 at 11:32 am
Well said, some educated people’s are lost as well, doesn’t know the family value’s of actual culture. Connfused, migrated from other countries, acts like Yo Yo, thinks every things is American ?? culture??
Sam • Apr 21, 2021 at 6:39 pm
The whole American Halloween“ is culture appropriation, because it is an ancient Pagan festival. I mean they call it their `favourite holiday`. I am guessing 95% don´t even know what a Celt is, and 100% could not pronounce it correctly.
ValJean LeNox • Oct 30, 2020 at 6:14 am
I find cultural misappropriation offensive, no matter what cultural heritage you carry in your genes. Disney has done more damage to cultural heritage than any other single group.
I am not Native American! But, I was raised knowing who we were and where we came from in our beginnings, and we have been maligned mostly by religious organizations.
We have not celebrated Thanksgiving in my family in over 30 years. We have a day set aside to celebrate how thankful we all are for what our ancestors have given us, and for our blessings. But, not the federal holiday where people over eat and celebrate a day they really do not know the real story that is at the heart of the holiday. They celebrate deception, ungratefulness, and murder.