A welcome from ASCWU
ASCWU President, Mickael Candelaria
September 15, 2020
Dear Wildcat Family:
I know these times have been incredibly challenging and uncertain. Nevertheless, it is extremely heartwarming to still welcome over 2,000 of our newest Wildcats to the CWU main campus in Ellensburg and the rest of our newest Wildcats from the comfort of their own home, as your 2020-2021 ASCWU President.
As a first-generation college student originally from Anchorage, Alaska I am incredibly honored to serve as the first Asian Pacific Islander ASCWU president. My previous leadership experiences at CWU as a resident assistant (RA), orientation leader (OL) and former Vice President for Student Life and Facilities has fueled my passion for serving as your ASCWU president. While it is still surreal to have been elected in this position, I think it is safe to say that ASCWU is going to face a lot of challenges this year.
This year, the ASCWU Board of Directors is comprised of six elected officials, elected by the students for the students. These officers are dedicated to serving the student body in each of the respective specialty areas that include the new Student Senate, the Equity and Services Council, student life and facilities, and governmental affairs. From planning programs and events for students to get engaged to bringing student concerns to administration, ASCWU is dedicated to serving you.
Ensuring everyone’s safety and health is going to be ASCWU’s top priority this year while in this pandemic. There are going to be lots of changes to our campus and our campus culture that include but are not limited to: a facial covering requirement and a reduction in the number of programs and events held in person. Clubs, equity organizations, committees and tons of programs and events will still be held virtually and are a great way to get involved.
Another challenge ASCWU is currently facing is combatting the racial injustice seen in the world. The ASCWU Board of Directors is hoping to create an additional safe space on campus for Black, Indigenous, Students of Color and other underrepresented identities to have additional resources and support.
We are also hoping to launch a new committee within ASCWU called the Student Grievance Committee which would be a safe space for students to file a formal complaint to ASCWU and proper administrators regarding cases of discrimination or non-academic related personnel concerns. Diversifying the faculty, staff and administration of CWU is also going to be pivotal in having representation of identities not typically represented in higher education. It is time for CWU to not just talk about being diverse and inclusive, but to actually implement equitable and inclusive practices.
Unifying the student body especially in these times of discord and tension is going to be a huge challenge this year. With the U.S Presidential elections in November, ASCWU is working on advocating for our students and even community members to have healthy discussions instead of contentious debates. Helping the student body register to vote this year and to engage students in civics is going to be the mission of the ASCWU Office of Governmental Affairs.
While this year is definitely by far a year filled with uncertainty and challenges, one thing that is certain is that ASCWU is here to support and advocate for your voice to be heard. There are also a multitude of ways for you to get involved with ASCWU from joining a committee, the Student Senate, the Equity and Services Council and so much more. For more information visit our website at https://www.cwu.edu/ascwu/ or follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @ASCWU_sg. You can also connect with me on Twitter @ASCWU_Pres or by emailing me at [email protected].
I am so excited to serve as your ASCWU President and know that this year will definitely be one to remember. I am extremely confident that together we can overcome some of the toughest challenges and hurdles thrown at us. Welcome to the Wildcat Family to our incoming students, and welcome back to our returning students, faculty and staff. I am honored to be in this position and am committed to your success here at CWU.