The impactful work of Peggy Morache
January 15, 2020
Going into nonprofit work is not what Peggy Morache planned to do, it found her. She is, however, glad she ended up in a nonprofit because she likes knowing her work is helping people instead of a business. Morache is the executive director of Friends and Services for Humanity (FISH) in Ellensburg. Morache is the Executive Director of Friends and Services for Humanity (FISH) in Ellensburg, and was recently selected as The Daily Record’s Person of the Year.
“The most rewarding thing is when I see someone’s life is completely changed because we were here to help them,” Morache said.
Morache grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and moved to New York when she was in her 30s for a job position and was there for about 30 years. Throughout her life, Morache has moved around multiple times because of her husband’s job, which is running healthcare facilities.

For college Morache went to the University of Western Georgia where she got her degree in English. She then attended the University of Rochester where she studied women’s studies for two years.
Before working at FISH, Morache worked at the social ministries for the five Methodist churches in the Las Vegas valley. Another job she had included directing a Red Cross chapter. She also has directed the national events commemorating the 50th anniversary of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s death.
Morache originally moved to Ellensburg in following her husband’s work, but her nonprofit experience landed her an opportunity at FISH. A board member knew she had nonprofit experience and asked her to be a consultant at FISH. FISH then decided to make a change in their executive management and Morache was hired as the executive director. Morache has now lived in Ellensburg for four years, working at FISH for three.
Bruce Tabb, the mayor of Ellensburg, met Morache when she came on the board of directors at Elmview and has known her for around four years. Tabb believes the work Morache does is important because she approaches her work for FISH with a vision of building a broader community.
“I think she brought both that vision, the ability to articulate that vision,” Tabb said. He went on to say that she consistently works at attaining her visions.
Morache’s position at FISH consists of working on what is ahead for the nonprofit. Right now, her main goal at FISH is to get land for a new building as all programs at FISH are growing and space is needed. Other duties she has are administering grants and ensuring the financial stability of the organization.
The value of obtaining the new building is that it helps support all the people in the community to live with dignity and be seen as integral parts of making it all work Tabb said.
Marcus Bowman, the president of the board of directors at FISH, has known Morache since she started working for FISH. While Bowman is in charge of overseeing the mission of FISH and carrying out its vision, Morache is in charge of the execution of plans.
Bowman believes Morache has done a good job setting up the organization to live beyond her in terms of creating a good structure and making sure their are good people in charge of all the programs. Another way Morache has made an impact is in searching for different sources of funding for FISH other than donations. Morache has been active in searching for different grants and contracts, according to Morache.
Morache has achieved many accomplishments over the years. She expanded the programs at FISH dramatically which as a result has doubled the personnel over the last year. She is also proud of the work she accomplished to help stabilize the social ministries in Las Vegas. She started a prison ministry that helped a lot of women who were trying to re-establish their lives after prison.
“Most of them had been drug addicts and prostitutes and they were turning their lives around and I am really proud of that ministry,” Morache said.
When Morache is not working she is caring for her pug, gardening and cooking. She also enjoys going to plays and movies.
As far as life goals go, Morache plans to travel more. This summer Morache and her husband are going to France for a river cruise. Another goal Morache has is writing a book on angels and miracles.
“I have seen so many miracles in this job, so many times there has been divine intervention to help us get where we are,” Morache said.