The Observer stands for a free and unregulated press
November 6, 2019

The Observer holds transparency between the publication and its readers as a top priority. We believe it’s our duty and a crucial factor in our pursuit of journalistic integrity. For these reasons, we are compelled to inform our readers about the past year working with administrators and departments on campus.
Student media censorship and regulation is more common than many may think, coming in many different forms. In our case, administrators have been increasingly requiring student journalists to send in interview questions before giving any university worker, including faculty and student employees, permission to be interviewed.
The Observer staff has attempted to resolve this issue directly and amicably with the CWU Public Affairs, Athletics and Student Success departments. We are now faced with the reality that there is no option but to defend ourselves using the same voice that has served the student body for over a century. We also hope that in doing so, we will maintain the transparency with our readers that is vital for our credibility.
The Observer, while a fully student-run publication, works under the same ethical standards and strives for the same credibility as any professional outlet. We constantly attempt to conduct ourselves as professional journalists and, in doing so, hold the expectation that we will be treated with a similar level of professionalism and respect.
Journalism and public affairs are fields that have the potential for both great synergy and conflict. The two professions have very different interests, and while we at The Observer acknowledge the interests of the university, we believe that moral and ethical boundaries have been crossed. Our mission is, and always has been, to serve the interests of CWU’s community with accurate, thoughtful reporting. We believe in the importance of an informed public and hope that the public believes in our ability to inform.
Why we don’t send interview questions
The Observer understands the general public may not understand our resistance towards allowing journalists to send interview questions prior to an interview. One of the reasons is because it prevents us from getting genuine answers from our sources. If, for example, interview questions were sent in regarding a sensitive subject, answers from administrators may be formed in advance with a focus on public image over truth.
Arguably one of the most vital reasons for not sending interview questions in advance is because it invites outside interference into story content. If The Observer allowed sending interview questions and the questions were sent back with “edits” or “suggested questions,” it could directly affect the outcome of the interview and thus the accuracy of the story. We believe this causes a strong ethical dilemma, setting a precedent for the future which allows interviewees to get out of uncomfortable yet necessary questions. Everybody has the right to deny answering any question asked during an interview, but that doesn’t mean that those questions shouldn’t be asked.
If a journalist is doing their job right, interviews are dynamic with follow-up questions that build upon themselves. There is no way to predict which direction an interview will take, because it’s a conversation between the reporter and the person being interviewed. During many of the most successful interviews, an answer that the interviewee gives can reframe the story, illuminating things that the reporter may never have expected. This fluidity makes pieces of journalism better, giving reporters the freedom to find truth rather than being given a tailored version of it.
The Observer models itself after a professional newsroom and holds itself to the same ethical standards and practices as any real-world publication. Professional journalists rarely send their questions before an interview. There are exceptions, such as in cases where the interviewee wouldn’t reasonably have a statistic or fact ready off the top of their head, but those are exceptions, not the industry standard. In most cases, it’s considered unethical.
What’s happening
In early April, The Observer planned to cover the Rock Against Rape event and Sexual Assault Awareness month, hosted by the Wellness Center. Then staff reporter Austin Lane reached out to the Wellness Center via email to set up interviews with Violence Prevention and Response Coordinator Kristen Perry and a student involved with the event, but was told to send interview questions in advance. Perry said that once questions were approved, Lane could go forward with the interviews. Lane asked why pre-approved interview questions would be required and mentioned that they had never been a requirement in the past. Associate Dean for Health and Wellness Shawnté Elbert replied that it was a “new standard of practice for the Division of Student Success in partnership with Public Affairs.”
This situation is what motivated The Observer to meet with administration in late April to try to resolve the issue of having questions approved before interviews.
The Observer meets with administration
In late April, The Observer staff, including then Editor-in-Chief and current Online Editor Mariah Valles, then Scene Editor and current Editor-in-Chief Cassandra Hays and The Observer’s Faculty Adviser Francesco Somaini met with administrators to discuss why The Observer would not engage in sending interview questions prior to interviews. Administrators present were Dean of Student Success Gregg Heinselman, Associate Dean for Health and Wellness Shawnté Elbert, Associate Dean for Student Living Jenna Hyatt and Vice President of Public Affairs Kremiere Jackson.
Valles requested to record the discussion, but Jackson said the meeting should take place without being recorded. The rest of the non-student media attendees agreed. While the meeting was not recorded, notes were taken by both parties.
The administrators present felt that when being asked by reporters to schedule interviews, they weren’t being provided with the context necessary to provide informed answers from the right experts and officials. The Observer, agreeing with the need for all interview parties to be reasonably prepared, agreed to provide general summaries of the intended story when scheduling interviews. Both Hays and Valles say, however, that all parties explicitly agreed that exact interview questions would not be sent under any circumstances except in cases requiring statistics or specific facts.
A new school year
On Sept. 25, Scene Editor Mary Park reached out to the Wellness Center via email for a story on seasonal affective disorder and gave context about the information she would be asking for during the interview. Park was asked to send specific questions and was told that the interview would need to be approved by Associate Dean for Health and Wellness Elbert, despite the fact that Park had appropriately described the nature of the interview.
Rather than sending specific questions, Park replied with context and general topics that she would be talking about in order to get the interview approved. Director of Counseling Dr. Cindy Bruns said she needed permission from Elbert in order to be interviewed by Park. In this case, Park ended up being able to go forward with the interview after sending the additional context to Dr. Bruns.
Current staff reporter Amy Morris emailed the Wellness Center with an interview request on Oct. 22 regarding her story about safe drinking on Halloween. The Wellness Center replied:
“All interview questions must be approved by the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness: Shawnte Elbert…When she has approved of the interview questions, we can schedule an interview with one of our professional staff members.”
Morris then emailed Elbert saying, “I am a reporter from the Observer and I am doing a story on the party scene at Central and how students can stay safe and healthy.”
She continued by saying, “I was told you have to approve the questions ahead of time but we are not allowed to send the questions before the interview.”
Elbert responded on the same day. In an email, Elbert wrote that sending interview questions gives her staff the chance to prepare in advance, as many of the topics The Observer covers are “quite broad,” which puts her staff in a position where they are not fully prepared to answer questions.
“Having worked at 3 other campuses, sending the questions in advance has never been an issue, and allowed me to be better prepared for the interview and share relevant data,” Elbert said.
In the beginning of the email Elbert referenced the April meeting between student media and Student Success and said, “At this meeting we asked that the questions or context of questions be shared to ensure the right staff were speaking on the desired topics.”
As mentioned earlier, this was not the agreement that all parties came to during the meeting. The agreement was that student journalists would provide context, but not questions. Despite giving context and being told that she was working on “a great topic,” Morris was still required to send questions, going against the agreement made last school year.
Holding firm with our previous agreement and our newsroom policies, we didn’t proceed with the interview, instead using information from a Wellness Center brochure. While this provided the necessary baseline information, it lacked the depth we seek in reporting, and the story suffered because of it.
Regardless of which academic year it is, sending questions prior to an interview will never be acceptable.
Athletics Department
On Oct. 7, CWU Athletics announced now former head softball coach Mike Larabee would be leaving CWU to be a coach at the University of Maryland. Senior Sports Reporter Austin Lane, whose job is to cover breaking news within sports, reached out to the athletics department to set up interviews. The coach’s departure was announced on a Monday and The Observer goes to press on Wednesday morning, leaving about 24 hours to complete interviews, write, edit and publish the story.
Every time The Observer wants to interview anybody within the athletics department, reporters go through either the Director of Athletic Communications Will McLaughlin or Assistant Director of Athletic Communications Caleb Dunlop. Typically what happens is a reporter will send an email stating who they want to interview and what they want to talk about in general, and either McLaughlin or Dunlop will set up interview times.
On Oct. 7 at 11:54 a.m., Lane texted Dunlop to set up interviews with current athletes to get their perspective on Larabee leaving. Lane gave a list of times he was available on Oct. 7 and 8 to complete interviews. Dunlop responded at 4:56 p.m. and said that one interview was confirmed for the following day and that he was working on setting up the other two requested interviews. At 5:10 p.m., Dunlop said that another athlete was set up for 1:30 p.m. the next day but that he couldn’t get the third.
Dunlop, after confirming two interviews already, said, “Please email me your questions for the interview before noon tomorrow, thanks.”
Lane responded and asked why Dunlop needed questions, stating that The Observer does not typically send questions in advance.
Dunlop replied via text message that the CWU Athletic Department “reserves the right to request questions in advance.” Dunlop also said that, “the higher the magnitude of the subject matter, the more we want to know going in.” Lane was told the request from the department was for “informational purposes” and “to help the athletes get a chance to give the subject matter a thorough think through prior to.” Dunlop said Lane reserves the right not to comply with the request.
Lane then communicated with McLaughlin, who said he fully supported Dunlop’s decision to request questions. McLaughlin said in an email that Dunlop was “not out of line” in requesting questions in advance so that the student athletes knew what to expect. McLaughlin added if there was any disagreement on the subject that Lane could bring the matter to Associate Athletic Director for External Affairs Tyler Unsicker.
Lane did not send interview questions by the given submission deadline, Oct. 8 at noon, and therefore interviews with the athletes were cancelled.
Dunlop emailed Lane at 12:03 p.m. on Oct. 8 and said, “given the subject matter, and quick turn-around on your request for the interviews, I had hoped there would be a mutual understanding regarding the matter. As it appears we cannot reach that understanding, the interviews will not be conducted.”
Former athletes
In an attempt to still give readers the full perspective, Lane reached out via text to two former CWU Softball athletes who played under Larabee. One former athlete responded, offering that herself and another former athlete could proceed with interviews.
After multiple reschedules on both Lane and the athlete’s side, the athlete texted Lane the following:
“Well, we got a phone call today saying not to answer your questions. The athletic department wants you to send them your questions before anyone answers them. [Another athlete] and I just received a text about it. Once you give them your questions they will okay the players to interview with you as well as us! Sorry I really want to help you out, but gotta play by the rules on this one!”
In the May 2 edition of The Observer, Lane wrote a story on former CWU Basketball athlete Malik Montoya about his decision to declare for the NBA Draft. For that story, the athletics department told Lane that he did not have to go through them to speak with Montoya. This was because Montoya’s final basketball season was already over, making him no longer a CWU student athlete. This should have also been the case for former softball athletes.
Lane was able to contact Larabee via phone call and use the athletic department’s website for his story, but no student athletes were quoted. Without comments from student athletes, the story was missing the essential element of genuine, unrehearsed student perspective.
Meeting with CWU Athletics
A meeting was set up for Oct. 28 to discuss the matter with the athletics department. Those in the meeting for athletics included Dunlop, McLaughlin, Unsicker and CWU Athletics Intern Christian Bond. Those attending for student media’s representation include Valles, Hays, Lane, Somaini and Central News Watch Adviser Terri Reddout.
The meeting was not recorded but both parties took notes.
During this meeting, concerns were raised about the athletics department requiring questions for both current and former athletes.
When The Observer asked why there wasn’t an alternative to sending questions, for example sending more context if necessary, Dunlop said the reporter didn’t ask for an alternative. While not directly asking for an alternative, Lane said the publication does not send interview questions and Dunlop did not suggest an alternative either.
When asked why the athletics department was requiring interview questions for this story, they had two responses. The first was that the athletes wanted to know the questions, but this was not stated until Reddout communicated with CWU Athletics on Thursday, Oct. 10, when communication about the story began on Oct. 7. The second reason, provided by Unsicker, was that the athletics department didn’t want athletes to say anything that would make them look bad to the community, saying they didn’t want the athletes to speak from emotion.
Another point mentioned was that on two instances McLaughlin told current Sports Editor Nick Jahnke that he and The Observer staff are “still just students.” Mclaughlin said that since The Observer is student-run, CWU Athletics has the authority to dictate how the staff goes about reporting for stories within the athletic department. In the Oct. 28 meeting, McLaughlin denied ever saying such things to Jahnke.
This sort of conduct has not been typical of the athletics department in the past. However, in light of the current situation with other departments on campus and in the spirit of transparency, we felt it necessary to disclose everything that has transpired.
Journalists have spent years and gallons of ink justifying our existence over and over again, and we will keep doing so out of necessity long into the future.
In writing this piece, we seek two things. The first is recognition for the importance of student journalists. Not personal glory, but respect for the roles we are honored to fill. The second is the freedom to do our jobs, which we will continue to do regardless of however much respect we are given or deserving of. The writers of this piece will eventually move on from CWU, but student journalists and The Observer are here to stay.
John Jersey • Nov 25, 2019 at 3:31 pm
As a student and student employee I have little sympathy for this rag. that’s right, I called it a rag. No one is under any obligation to speak with the staff at the Observer. Being a student “reporter” gives you no special pass, rights, or privileges.
perhaps these students are paying for the sins of students past, perhaps not. What I can say, is that in my experience, the student and professional staff at the Observer have exhibited poor ethics, a lack of accountability, and been overall a poor excuse for reliable information in the media. As they try and “interpret” what someone said, they don’t actually relay what someone ACTUALLY said. The facts, and just the facts.
To sum up, the Observer is a rag whose “staff” likes to be reporters when it suits them, then hide behind the “we’re just students” when they screw up. The students at CWU would be better off if S&A would cut their funding and stop wasting it on a campus organization that doesn’t spend it wisely, meet its stated mission, or acts in an honest and fair way.
Brad Esparza • Nov 10, 2019 at 6:23 am
I’m a student at CWU and a homeowner in Kittitas County. I’m also a non-traditional student who is the same in the same age range as these administrators. The people work for us and not the other way around. They serve at OUR pleasure. If the work is so difficult that they can not be compliant with common sense and the law then they should no longer be allowed to work in this field. These bad actors want to live consequence-free in our community. That should be challenged. I love how “Jane Doe” lacks the courage of their convictions. Why should allow a criminal to keep committing crimes even if it hurts their feelings? Does Ms. Doe believe in free speech? Does Ms. Doe believe in intellectual freedom except when it inconvenience them?
Stefanie Wickstrom • Nov 8, 2019 at 8:19 am
Comments by Jane Doe (?!) and Lynn Thomson reflect a lack of experience with working with the press. I have been interviewed for newspaper stories a number of times. I could say my words have been “misrepresented” every time. One of a journalist’s most difficult jobs is interpreting ideas communicated by interviewees and interviewees themselves have a certain level of uncertainty about what they’ve communicated. (This is a psychologist’s terrain.) You will see media outlets correct stories regularly–media outlets such as the The New York Times. “Reaching out” to a media outlet does not guarantee publication of your news. Whether or not to follow up on a press release is an editor’s decision. It is typical for those who issue press releases to publish them on their own platforms. The Observer is not a mouthpiece for CWU administration to use to shape public opinion. What the students have written here is important and it’s the right thing for journalists with integrity to do. You’ve done a good job. This is an important lesson. Don’t give up!
Rusty Shackleford • Nov 7, 2019 at 4:49 pm
I didn’t realize CWU was a private school…
Jane Doe • Nov 7, 2019 at 1:28 pm
I don’t have much appreciation for the Observer. Given that I have eye witnessed the multiple times they have misquoted my coworker’s and I when I was a student. They also requested interviews last minute. And ask questions of topics that are not related to what our services encouraged. Which maked our service not only look bad, but misinformed students of what our resource truly is about. They misquote so much that it is necessary to ask for questions ahead of time to provide students with answers that are relevant and accurate. The Observer also does not care to cover issues of topics when we reached out to them. Only issues or topics that they think or assume we are about. It seems as if they do not do their research prior to interviews but instead ask last minute questions to make sure they get a good grade in class.
McKenzie Lakey • Nov 7, 2019 at 1:19 pm
True, Lynn, you’re entirely right to be upset about being misquoted. But it’s a STUDENT-led publication which means they are still learning. Journalists try their best to tell the most accurate story and the professors at CWU are some of the best out there guiding these students. If you’ve been misquoted, give them a shout and ask them to fix your quote. Sure they can’t fix the print-edition, but the online version (the one that will live forever) will be amended. The paper one will die in seven days. You just have to ask nicely–remember, constructive criticism is how we learn. And four times in 10 years? That’s a rotation of over at least 40 different staff orientations (assuming a staff even stays the same through an entire quarter as some students drop/add the course over time). It’s not like one student editor is intentionally trying to misquote you…but I digress.
On a note related to the story itself, I think the students are doing the right thing and this piece is one of the most thoughtful editorial pieces I’ve seen in the Observer’s history. Public Affairs and CWU admin give student journalists the run-around and have for years. As a former Observer editor, I know the difficulty these students are facing in just completing simple written assignments without these drastic road blocks being thrown in their path. Kudos to them for fighting the good fight. The university should be there to empower you and help you, not focus all of their energy on brand protection. Hiding from student-reporters is just a horrible tactic, trying to shut them down is even worse and borders infringing on their First Amendment rights.
By the students, for the students. Keep that in mind, Observer crew! Best of luck!
Dan Raley • Nov 7, 2019 at 10:17 am
I’m a Western grad.
I’ve worked as an editor and reporter at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and I find this behavior shameful on the part of Central. I once had a long deceased Central president threaten me if I wrote something about the school. I wrote it. Never heard from him again. Remember reading his obit.
Central, you’re supposed to be teaching students their craft, not denying them.
You’re a public institution.
Act like it.
I would encourage our journalists here to hold tough. Do your job. If denied, find other ways to do your job.
We’re not Russia. We’re not a police state.
Teach and cooperate with your students.
Either that, or we’ll start a campaign to discourage people from going there.
Dan Raley
RachelAnn • Nov 7, 2019 at 10:15 am
This was brought up in our class today and I realized I knew nothing about this and I work in the university. This article was written so well because it gave us all the facts and doesn’t cloud any of it with opinion or anger. Very professionally done and thank you for being a watchdog for our student body.
Katia Hawley • Nov 7, 2019 at 10:12 am
Coming from a high school news paper that was under prior review by administration prior to publishing, I stand with you Observer!
Dave Trimmer • Nov 6, 2019 at 10:43 pm
Central Washington University administrators, you should be embarrassed. You are doing a disservice to your students, the community and higher education.
Lynn Thompson • Nov 6, 2019 at 7:21 pm
I would have more sympathy for The Observer if I hadn’t been misquoted all four times I’ve been interviewed over my ten years at central.
Ian Seiler • Nov 6, 2019 at 4:01 pm
Kudos to taking a stand. When the students at CWU find their voice and begin to advocate for themselves, needed change can begin to happen.
Jeanne Kotila • Nov 6, 2019 at 3:46 pm
After reading this article we are reminded of the importance of free speech and the importance of free journalism in maintaining a free republic! History has shown that governments in order to remain unoppressive ,need to be monitored by a free and independent journalistic community that is totally free to report facts to the public. We applaud the efforts of these students to continue the tradition of free journalism in order to help preserve our democracy.