Nikon ambassador visits CWU

Tapanaga Krause, Staff Reporter

Friday evening in Randall Hall 117, photojournalist and filmmaker Robin Layton gave a presentation to 30 CWU students. The presentation consisted of a showing of Layton’s work and her speech on following your passion, finding your inner voice and listening to it.

Layton began the presentation by talking about how she got her start. She said she was 15 when she realized that she wanted to be a photojournalist.

According to Maya Stoker, a CWU student who attended the event, Layton’s work has a lot of beautiful colors and captures the raw simplicity of life. 

“The photos in the fall collection of her new book, the oranges reflecting off of the water is incredible,” Stoker said. “They blend together and make the photos stand out more. Her photos that involve eagles and ducks in their natural habitat are simple, yet elegant.” 

“I just think there is so much beauty in the simple things,” Layton said. 

As the presentation continued, Layton encouraged the students to go after their dreams. 

“If you really believe something and you have the skill, and you know in your heart and soul that this has to happen, do it,” Layton said. 

Throughout Layton’s career as a photojournalist, she has published four books. She has worked with a handful of celebrities, such as Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston and Alyssa Miliano. As a freelance photographer, Layton goes into the homes of her clients and takes one of a kind photos. Layton said the day that she wakes up not loving her job is the day that she stops. Layton said it’s okay to be nervous, and that nerves are a good thing to have.

Layton also encouraged students to live in the moment and capture as many as you can because you never truly know what you’re going to get until you see it in the camera or on film. 

The main point of Layton’s presentation is that everyone has an inner voice, and they should listen to it as much as they can. If people believe in themselves, then they can do anything that they put their minds to. Remaining open to new ideas is going to be our greatest asset in life, because if people are awake and aware of what’s around them the possibilities and opportunities are endless, according to Layton.

We are constantly learning new things, always growing Layton said that’s the whole point of art, the question remains, ‘how can I make it better?’. As a Nikon ambassador, Layton travels the country giving presentations and promoting Nikon’s products by using them to capture her own work. Robin Layton continues to inspire people with her work. She shares her philosophies and her photos with many people. 

“To hear that I inspire people is a really big compliment,” Layton said. “So, if I’m doing that, that makes me very happy.” 

Layton said she is incredibly grateful for the life that she has been given. 

If everyone could find something that they are passionate enough to pursue and if they all could follow their inner voices that is a true accomplishment, Layton said.