Robinson Cano No longer a 1st ballot hall-of-famer

Gunnar Hinds, Staff Reporter

Robinson Cano has tarnished his hall of fame career with his recent PED (performance-enhancing drug) testing. The Mariners second baseman tested positive for PEDs last week.

“Recently I learned that I tested positive for a substance called furosemide, which is not a performance-enhancing substance. Furosemide is used to treat various medical conditions in the United States and Dominican Republic. This substance was given to me by a licensed doctor in the Dominican Republic to treat a medical ailment. While I did not realize at the time that I was given a medication that was banned, I obviously now wish that I had been more careful,” Cano said in a press release.

Cano is an eight-time all star, 2009 World Series champion, two-time Gold Glove recipient and five-time Silver Slugger Award recipient. Over the course of his career, Cano has amassed over 300 home runs and over 1200 RBIs (runs batted in).

When he tested positive for furosemide, which is a drug to cover up steroid use as of late in the MLB, it gave him an 80-game suspension. I think that this should expel any chance he has of becoming a hall of famer. If the committee vote him in I feel it makes it look like it’s okay to get caught using a PED. I also think it will also influence upcoming players, and could give them the perception that it is okay to use these PEDs while in high school or college before they enter the professional league.  

Cano will not receive pay for those games which gives the Mariners a little over $11 million to help replace the all-star second baseman.

This stunt Cano pulled hurt the Mariners organization, although they are saving all that money. With the money saved from Canos suspension the Mariners acquire RHP (right handed pitcher)  Alex Colome and LF (Left field) veteran Denard Span for RHP Andrew Moore and RHP Tommy Romero. This will help with our shortage of outfielders in spite of Dee Gordon hurt and put on a 10 day DL (disabled list). Dee Gordon came in from the outfield to help at second base since Cano’s absence. Three games after doing so he was hurt. Gordon was not as productive at the plate after switching positions. with only having 2 hits in 12 plate appearances.

Cano is experiencing the same ordeal that legendary baseball player Alex Rodriguez went through. Rodriguez was suspended for the whole 2015 season for testing positive for a form of steroids with this being his second offense. If you can remember right Rodriguez was training with former All-Star Ryan Braun, who is part of the Milwaukie organization also known as the Brewers.

Both Cano and A-rod were suspended for the use of steroids and Rodriguez is under tremendous scrutiny by the media and fans. Rodriguez’s chances of becoming a hall of famer are getting dimmer with other players being tested positive for PEDs.

“Today I decided to accept MLB’s suspension. This was the most difficult decision I have ever made in my life, but ultimately the right decision given that I do not dispute that I was given this substance. I apologize to my family, friends, fans, teammates and the Mariners organization. I am extremely grateful for the support I have received during this process, and I look forward to re-joining my teammates later this season,” Cano said.

Cano is and has been the captain of the team since moving over from the Yankees organization. Even with the apology, the fans are upset with the mistakes Cano has made. He has lost all trust by his teammates and the Mariner organization.  Seattle was just starting to become a competitor for a world series and had a chance in the playoffs for the first time since 2001. This stunt by Cano hurt their chances tremendously.