Observation Deck

Natalie Hyland, Co-Editor

Welcome back and we hope you enjoyed your Easter.

I say “we” because there are two editor-in-chiefs in the newsroom now: Myself (Natalie Hyland) and Eric Rosane.

We also have an entirely new editorial staff in the newsroom with us, but before we get to the newbies, we’d like to thank the editors who we said goodbye to before break.

Thank you to Sarah Hoot, our former EIC, for all your hard work over the last two years. Thank you to Jack Lambert, our former photo editor, who has graced our pages with his photos for the past two and a half years. Thank you to Daisy Perez, our former scene editor and lede writer extraordinaire. Finally, thank you to Leo Andraca, our graphic designer who made all of our double trucks look better than most of us ever could.

We would also like to welcome in the new staff.

Miles King is our news editor and the only editor here who has written for multiple sections as a reporter. Hanson Lee is our sports editor and was the most enterprising reporter last quarter for the sports section. Henry Crumblish is our scene editor and brings a different kind of energy into the newsroom, keeps us all on our toes.

And we wouldn’t be anywhere without Alexa Murdock, our copy desk chief and orientation editor, Xander Fu, our photo editor, and Mariah Valles, our online and social media editor.

Without each and every one of these people, we wouldn’t be able to put out the paper you’re holding every week on deadline.

This quarter, you can also expect the paper to look a little different. If you haven’t already noticed, our front page isn’t what it was before break. Eric and I, as well as the rest of the staff, spent some time looking over papers from other schools and decided it was time to change it up.

This also may be one of the last times you get to read a letter from the editor. We want to give the paper back to you, the readers. Is something really pissing you off? Are we doing something wrong? Tell us! We want to hear your voices.

The Observer’s motto is By the students, for the students and we want to live up to that this quarter, but we can’t do it without you.

Within the next 10 pages, we hope you find something that interests you, from the article on Troy Thornton, the CWU student who lives in a tiny house truck in news, to Easter in the ‘Burg in scene and the athletic renovations in sports.


Have a great week,

Natalie Hyland
