Eating vegan at CWU? Not so simple
CWU dining services has a limited selection of vegan food for purchase, but many options can be found off campus. Courtesy of
November 30, 2017
Some students have specific dietary restrictions that are difficult to keep up with, especially for those who live on campus and eat primarily on campus. Dining Services tries to keep up with the needs of students following gluten-free or meat-free diets.
While Dining Services has dealt with those needs in the past, they have mainly dealt with specific dietary groups who have bigger numbers than other groups. The vegans at CWU have a tougher time getting around the menus that Dining provides.
Judy McNeil, program coordinator for Dining Services, said that vegan options are not as substaintial a priority than other diets.
Administrative Assistant for Dining Services Grey Cavittis is a vegetarian. He mentioned that no one has spoken up about the need for more vegan options.
“If we were more [concerned], then we will do something about it,” Cavittis said.
He mentioned that Dining Services had a vegan option menu before, but no one really ate from the menu. If there was a need to have kept it, then they would have, according to Cavittis. He did point out that there are food items in the CWU Marketplace that are vegan. The marinara sauce is 100 percent vegan. A taco salad, if you leave out the cheese and meat, is a vegan option. The salad bar is also a popular vegan option.
Due to Holmes’ ever changing menus, that place might not be the most consistent place to get vegan food. They can definitely get a baked potato, but other than that, Holmes was geared more for gluten-free people.
“Gluten free eaters are more vocal,” McNeil said.
“By all means, please send us emails and hit us up on social media if you want something added to the menus,” Cavitt said.
These are the choices for vegans on campus, but what do you do if you live off campus? Finding food and planning meals can be a whole different beast on its own. CWU Student and Vegan Mariana Cruz has some tips for other vegans in Ellensburg.
She has been living without meat for three years now. For the first two years, she was a vegetarian, but now she is a vegan. One of her secrets of being vegan is her grocery list. She mainly buys fruits and veggies, but at times she will purchase mock meat. She brought up products like Gardein, which is meatless food.
“It’s not too expensive, but if that’s all you buy, then it will cost you,” Cruz said.
Even if you’re purchasing food and meals from the supermarket, you’re going to want to eventually go out soon. Cruz mentioned that if a vegan wanted to go out to eat, Subway has vegan bread and pizzas can be made for a vegan diet.
“Order pizza with no cheese, BBQ or marinara sauce with a whole lot of veggies and thin crust because the rest aren’t vegan,” Cruz said.
One hobby she has gotten more into since she has gone vegan is cooking.
“It was hard to get used to only eating veggies, but your taste buds will get used to it,” Cruz said.
She also mentioned that while cooking, most people forget to use spices, which is ultimately why one does not get used to their cooking.