Many Central students have turned to employment to alleviate college expenses. Some students are taking multiple classes along with a “work now, play later” kind of attitude.
Robbie Rutherford, a double major in music education and trumpet performance, is currently in his sixth year at Central and is taking 15 credits this quarter.
“Right now, I work at Winegar’s in town, and then I also work a couple nights on campus at the music building,” Rutherford said. “Once a month, on the weekend, I go to the Seattle area and teach a drum core, which is a marching band, and the kids actually rehearse once a month all the way until June. In June, we all get on a bus and tour around the country competing against other groups like that. I also do private lessons for the trumpet once a week.”
Rutherford had a couple of other jobs last fall.
“I was teaching two marching bands on top of all of those things,” Rutherford said.
Rutherford is just one of many students here on campus working multiple jobs.
Tanner Richey, senior information technology and administrative management, is currently taking 15 credits consisting of five 400-level classes, as well as an internship and a ballroom dance class.
He has a full-time job at Grocery Outlet working about 32 hours a week. Richey also works 10-11 hours a week as the Broadcast I.T. Associate at Central’s radio station, 88.1 The ‘Burg.
“I was working at the SURC at the dining area the last few years, about 15 hours a week, and I ended that job because I got the job at the radio station,” Richey said. “What I’m doing there with the networking and website up-keep is really what I’ll be doing for my career.”
Richey had to get another job for the summer because one of his jobs is seasonal.
“I needed a job because the radio station job is only through the course of fall through spring, so I got another job at Grocery Outlet and the pay between both jobs is too great to drop a job, so I keep it up,” Richey said.
Richey has a very busy schedule, especially being a Central student.
“I have class from 8 to 9 a.m., and then I work at the radio station 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and then I have two hours at my apartment and than I go work at Grocery Outlet, 2 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.,” Richey said.
Vandera Tay, senior double major in law and justice and communication studies, is currently taking 18 credits. Tay works at D&M Coffee, Advantage Sales and Casey Family Programs.
Tay said his work hours vary; usually he puts in 12 hours a day, Friday through Sunday with D&M and Advantage Sales. Monday through Thursday, Tay works 20 hours a week with Casey Family Programs.
“I go to class from 10 a.m. to about 4 p.m. everyday. I go home and nap a couple of hours, and then make dinner for the roommates and myself.” Tay said.
Rutherford keeps multiple jobs to pay for his rent and tuition.
“I don’t want to take out any more loans, so I am doing all of it out-of pocket and with help from family as well,” Rutherford said.
Tay is saving for graduate school, and wants to be able to start paying back his student loans.
“I am the first generation in my family to go to college and to graduate with great accomplishments,” Tay said. “I just applied for Central graduate school of criminology. I am anticipating starting in the winter of 2016.”
Richey and Rutherford both said that having a social life can be difficult at times, but they find ways around it.
“I always have a social life through work and school,” Tay said. “But I always make sure I have time for my friends and family. I enjoy going downtown with friends and having get-togethers at my house.”
Rutherford wishes that he had more time for homework, but says that this is only preparing him for the future.
“It’s been tough, but well worth it,” Richey said.