The Best Avengers Movie


Will Schorno, Staff Reporter

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is over a decade old now and is constantly evolving. The latest movie in the MCU, “Avengers: Infinity War” follows every single character in the MCU thus far and does just about as good as a job as I could ask for.

The movie is overflowing with action and conflict from the get-go and does a fantastic job at managing all the subplots.

It can, at times, be overstimulating as the story is always moving forward at a rapid pace. There is no sequence in the movie where all the heroes in the MCU are displayed in the same setting.

Instead, the protagonists are split into groups that you follow throughout the film. The characters in said groups are paired up perfectly as well. Dr. Strange and Tony Stark butt heads in their groups frequently because they are in a lot of ways the same person, while Spider-Man and Star-Lord conflict over pop culture references.

The best aspect of “Infinity War” is that all the characters serve a purpose. There were no characters who didn’t help in some way to contribute to the story. I do have some gripes about how the character of Star-Lord was handled. When most MCU fans have seen “Infinity War,” Star-Lord will be the most hated character in the MCU by a long shot.

It’s not that Chris Pratt does a bad job of portraying him, quite the opposite, but Star-Lord makes the biggest mistake any character in all 10 years of MCU has ever made. He is absolutely bitch-made after this movie and it will be difficult for the screen writers in “Infinity War: Part 2” to make him likeable again.

Now, let’s talk about Thanos. Thanos is a welcome sight in the MCU as most villains portrayed take a back seat for the heroes to shine. Not in “Infinity War.”

While the heroes are portrayed wonderfully, Thanos is the best kind of villain; he believes what he is doing is right. He is also emotional, empathetic, and still very evil.

This movie can be considered Thanos’, as most of the plot revolves around his actions and he sets the tone for every fight. Thanos is the most powerful MCU villain by far and “Infinity War” does an excellent job at portraying that. He throws around Iron Man like he’s a hacky sack and can beat up Hulk with ease.

The special effects in “Infinity War” are top-notch. The CGI in the movie is as good as it gets from Thanos’ shaved beard stubbles and human-like facial expressions to Spider-Man’s new and improved suit. There wasn’t a moment in the movie where I thought the scenery could have been better generated or I wanted the special effects to look more realistic.

“Infinity War” is the most comic-booky movie I have ever seen. Every character is as accurate to the source material as possible. Besides Star-Lord, he sucks. The comedic dialogue, including every one-liner, is welcome in such a chaotic mess of a conflict and it doesn’t get overdone. Nobody should be going into this movie with a predicted outcome in mind; this movie is not afraid of getting ballsy and will go places you do not expect it to go.