OPINION: The Observer has been my favorite, batshit crazy blur

Grace Lindsley, Copy Desk Chief

As I approach graduation, I’ve been thinking a lot about time.

I’ve been on the Observer for one year and three months. I’ve edited 34 issues made up of 510 articles. I’ve spent 102 nights in the newsroom, give or take.

This is my last issue, my last article, my last night.

As much as I’m excited to leave, I’m absolutely terrified. College is a bubble and, as I wait for it to pop, I’m left thinking about what I’ve done with my time here.

There will always be regrets and what-ifs, but the Observer is not one of them.

In all honesty, I had no intention of sticking around so long—I was going to get my practicum credits on copy desk and get the hell out of the comm department—but I fell in love.

I fell in love with late nights and long laughs and stressed out editors.

I love the Observer because there’s a camaraderie that comes with making something as a team, and there’s a rush in seeing the physical actualization of that work.

I wouldn’t trade this for anything. (Well, most things.)

Some nights, I left the newsroom angry and tired and so very, very done. Some nights, I spent hours editing the same three articles that were just awful. Some nights, I just couldn’t make myself care.

But most nights, I smiled. Most nights, I felt productive, fulfilled and important. Most nights, I was so happy to be a part of this team.

Most of it just feels like a big blur—I wish that I had savored it just a little bit more—but my time with the Observer will stick with me forever.

I wish I could tell each individual that I’ve worked with how much I respect and admire them.

All of you inspire me. You inspire me to think more critically, question more persistently and laugh more freely.

You’re also all insane in new and wonderful ways. Never quit, you guys.

Jonathan, you’re good at this. Like really fucking good at this. You were always a great a journalist, but I got to see you become a great leader.

You stepped up when we were all fed up, and I’ll always respect you for that. I don’t know if we ever thanked you, so I’ll say it once for good measure—thank you.

I loved being a part of the Observer, and I’ll miss it. All of it.

So, thanks and goodbye.